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Showing posts with label Data Intelligence. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Decline in ESG Fund Launches: Reflections and Prospects Amid Market Transition

Recently, there has been a significant slowdown in the issuance of ESG funds by some of the world's leading asset management companies. According to data provided by Morningstar Direct, companies such as BlackRock, Deutsche Bank's DWS Group, Invesco, and UBS have seen a sharp reduction in the number of new ESG fund launches this year. This trend reflects a cooling attitude towards the ESG label in financial markets, influenced by changes in the global political and economic landscape affecting ESG fund performance.

Current Status Analysis

Sharp Decline in Issuance Numbers

As of the end of May 2024, only about 100 ESG funds have been launched globally, compared to 566 for the entire year of 2023 and 993 in 2022. In May of this year alone, only 16 new ESG funds were issued, marking the lowest monthly issuance since early 2020. This data indicates a significant slowdown in the pace of ESG fund issuance.

Multiple Influencing Factors

  1. Political and Regulatory Pressure: In the United States, ESG is under political attack from the Republican Party, with bans and lawsuit threats being frequent. In Europe, stricter ESG fund naming rules have forced some passively managed portfolios to drop the ESG label.
  2. Poor Market Performance: High inflation, high interest rates, and a slump in clean energy stocks have led to poor performance of ESG funds. Those that perform well are often heavily weighted in tech stocks, which have questionable ESG attributes.
  3. Changes in Product Design and Market Demand: Due to poor product design and more specific market demand for ESG funds, many investors are no longer interested in broad ESG themes but are instead looking for specific climate solutions or funds focusing on particular themes such as net zero or biodiversity.

Corporate Strategy Adjustments

Facing these challenges, some asset management companies have chosen to reduce the issuance of ESG funds. BlackRock has launched only four ESG funds this year, compared to 36 in 2022 and 23 last year. DWS has issued three ESG funds this year, down from 25 in 2023. Invesco and UBS have also seen significant reductions in ESG fund launches.

However, some companies view this trend as a sign of market maturity. Christoph Zschaetzsch, head of product development at DWS Group, stated that the current "white space" for ESG products has reduced, and the market is entering a "normalization" phase. This means the focus of ESG fund issuance will shift to fine-tuning and adjusting existing products.

Investors' Lessons

Huw van Steenis, partner and vice chair at Oliver Wyman, pointed out that the sharp decline in ESG fund launches is due to poor market performance, poor product design, and political factors. He emphasized that investors have once again learned that allocating capital based on acronyms is not a sustainable strategy.


Despite the challenges, the prospects for ESG funds are not entirely bleak. Some U.S.-based ESG ETFs have posted returns of over 20% this year, outperforming the 18.8% rise of the S&P 500. Additionally, French asset manager Amundi continues its previous pace, having launched 14 responsible investment funds in 2024, and plans to expand its range of net-zero strategies and ESG ETFs, demonstrating a long-term commitment and confidence in ESG.

The sharp decline in ESG fund issuance reflects market transition and adjustment. Despite facing multiple challenges such as political, economic, and market performance issues, the long-term prospects for ESG funds remain. In the future, asset management companies need to more precisely meet specific investor demands and innovate in product design and market strategy to adapt to the ever-changing market environment.


ESG fund issuance decline, ESG investment trends 2024, political impact on ESG funds, ESG fund performance analysis, ESG fund market maturity, ESG product design challenges, regulatory pressure on ESG funds, ESG ETF performance 2024, sustainable investment prospects, ESG fund market adaptation

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Insights and Solutions for Analyzing and Classifying Large-Scale Data Records (Tens of Thousands of Excel Entries) Using LLM and GenAI Tools

Traditional software tools are often unsuitable for complex, one-time, or infrequent tasks, making the development of intricate solutions impractical. For example, while Excel scripts or other tools can be used, they often require data insights that are only achievable through thorough analysis, leading to a disconnect that complicates the quick coding of scripts to accomplish the task.

As a result, using GenAI tools to analyze, classify, and label large datasets, followed by rapid modeling and analysis, becomes a highly effective choice.

In an experimental approach, we attempted to use GPT-4o to address this issue. The task needs to be broken down into multiple small steps to be completed progressively using a step-by-step strategy. When categorizing and analyzing data for modeling, it is advisable to break down complex tasks into simpler ones, gradually utilizing AI to assist in completing them.

The following solution and practice guide outlines a detailed process for effectively categorizing these data descriptions. Here are the specific steps and methods:

1. Preparation and Preliminary Processing

Export the Excel file as a CSV: Retain only the fields relevant to classification, such as serial number, name, description, display volume, click volume, and other foundational fields and data for modeling. Since large language models (LLMs) perform well with plain text and have limited context window lengths, retaining necessary information helps enhance processing efficiency.

If the data format and mapping meanings are unclear (e.g., if column names do not correspond to the intended meaning), manual data sorting is necessary to ensure the existence of a unique ID so that subsequent classification results can be correctly mapped.

2. Data Splitting

Split the large CSV file into multiple smaller files: Due to the context window limitations and the higher error probability with long texts, it is recommended to split large files into smaller ones for processing. AI can assist in writing a program to accomplish this task, with the number of records per file determined based on experimental outcomes.

3. Prompt Creation

Define classification and data structure: Predefine the parts classification and output data structure, for instance, using JSON format, making it easier for subsequent program parsing and processing.

Draft a prompt; AI can assist in generating classification, data structure definitions, and prompt examples. Users can input part descriptions and numbers and return classification results in JSON format.

4. Programmatically Calling LLM API

Write a program to call the API: If the user has programming skills, they can write a program to perform the following functions:

  • Read and parse the contents of the small CSV files.
  • Call the LLM API and pass in the optimized prompt with the parts list.
  • Parse the API’s response to obtain the correlation between part IDs and classifications, and save it to a new CSV file.
  • Process the loop: The program needs to process all split CSV files in a loop until classification and analysis are complete.

5. File Merging

Merge all classified CSV files: The final step is to merge all generated CSV files with classification results into a complete file and import it back into Excel.

Solution Constraints and Limitations

Based on the modeling objectives constrained by limitations, re-prompt the column data and descriptions of your data, and achieve the modeling analysis results by constructing prompts that meet the modeling goals.

Important Considerations:

  • LLM Context Window Length: The LLM’s context window is limited, making it impossible to process large volumes of records at once, necessitating file splitting.
  • Model Understanding Ability: Given that the task involves classifying complex and granular descriptions, the LLM may not accurately understand and categorize all information, requiring human-AI collaboration.
  • Need for Human Intervention: While AI offers significant assistance, the final classification results still require manual review to ensure accuracy.

By breaking down complex tasks into multiple simple sub-tasks and collaborating between humans and AI, efficient classification can be achieved. This approach not only improves classification accuracy but also effectively leverages existing AI capabilities, avoiding potential errors that may arise from processing large volumes of data in one go.

The preprocessing, splitting of data, reasonable prompt design, and API call programs can all be implemented using AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Claude. Novices need to start with basic data processing in practice, gradually mastering prompt writing and API calling skills, and optimizing each step through experimentation.

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Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Secret of CTR and Google Search Ranking: SEO Industry's Response Strategies

The leaked technical documents from Google have unveiled the deeper logic behind search ranking factors, especially the critical role that Click-Through Rate (CTR) plays in evaluating content quality. This revelation presents new challenges and opportunities for the SEO industry. This article will delve into the importance of the CTR metric and analyze how the SEO industry can adjust its strategies to achieve a win-win situation by optimizing outcomes while enhancing the user search experience.

The Importance of CTR: Unveiling the Secrets of Google Search Ranking

CTR, or Click-Through Rate, refers to the ratio of clicks to impressions for a specific link on the search results page. According to the leaked Google documents, CTR has become one of the core metrics for evaluating content quality and relevance. Specifically:

The Direct Relationship Between CTR and Search Ranking:

A high CTR indicates a strong user preference for a particular search result, leading Google's algorithm to rank these pages higher as they are perceived to align more closely with user search intent. An increase in CTR not only reflects user interest in the page content but also signifies that the page content is highly aligned with user needs.

CTR as a Dynamic Adjustment Factor:

Google's algorithm dynamically adjusts page rankings based on real-time changes in CTR. This suggests that even if a page meets other technical optimizations, its ranking may still decline if its CTR underperforms. Therefore, CTR is not only a static metric for evaluating content but also a dynamic variable that influences rankings.

SEO Industry Response Strategies: Adjusting Cognition and Technical Tools

Given the importance of CTR, the SEO industry needs to reassess traditional optimization methods and adopt the following strategies to achieve a win-win outcome with Google’s goal of enhancing the search experience:

In-Depth Analysis of User Behavior Signals:

SEO practitioners should incorporate user behavior data, particularly CTR data, into core analysis frameworks. By monitoring CTR performance across different keywords, SEO professionals can more precisely understand user needs, thus optimizing content and titles to better satisfy search intent.

Optimizing Titles and Meta Descriptions to Boost CTR:

Traditional SEO focuses on content and technical optimization while often overlooking the appeal of SERP (Search Engine Results Page) content. To improve CTR, SEO professionals should prioritize optimizing page titles and meta descriptions so that they not only accurately describe the content but also attract user clicks. A/B testing different combinations of titles and descriptions to identify the most effective in boosting CTR is a practical approach to enhancing SEO results.

Refocusing SEO Tools and Strategies:

As CTR gains more weight in rankings, SEO tools should enhance their support for CTR data. SEO platforms can develop specialized CTR analysis modules to help practitioners monitor and optimize CTR performance in real-time. At the same time, content strategies should shift from focusing on “keyword density” to “user click-through rate,” using user experience optimization to drive SEO effectiveness.

Precise Matching of Content with User Search Intent:

Pages with high CTR are often those whose content is closely aligned with user search intent. SEO should be driven by an in-depth analysis of user search behavior, optimizing content structure and information presentation accordingly. Content needs to be of high quality and must also effectively address the actual issues faced by users, enabling it to stand out in the competitive search results.

A Win-Win Strategy for SEO and User Experience

Enhancing CTR not only helps pages achieve higher positions in search rankings but also directly improves the user search experience. The ultimate goal of SEO should be to achieve a win-win situation where website optimization and user satisfaction go hand in hand. By focusing on CTR and user behavior signals, SEO can create content and experiences that align more closely with user expectations, thereby increasing overall website traffic and conversion rates.


Google’s emphasis on CTR points to a new direction for the SEO industry. SEO practitioners should swiftly adjust their strategies, recognizing the importance of CTR in rankings, and optimize title, description, and content matching to improve CTR performance. In this process, the SEO industry will not only enhance its technical capabilities but also align with Google's goal of improving the search experience, ultimately achieving a win-win situation.

HaxiTAG’s Search Intent Analysis Tool will help you better identify your users, map out user personas, analyze their web usage paths, habits, content browsing, and social media preferences, allowing you to design and implement SEM and SEO strategies more effectively, achieving precise user growth and market development.

How Google Search Engine Rankings Work and Their Impact on SEO - HaxiTAG

The Deep Integration of Artificial Intelligence and SEO: Unveiling the Path to Future Search Engine Optimization Competitive Advantage - HaxiTAG

10 Noteworthy Findings from Google AI Overviews - GenAI USECASE

Unveiling the Secrets of AI Search Engines for SEO Professionals: Enhancing Website Visibility in the Age of "Zero-Click Results" - GenAI USECASE

Navigating the Competitive Landscape: How AI-Driven Digital Strategies Revolutionized SEO for a Financial Software Solutions Leader - HaxiTAG

Maximizing Market Analysis and Marketing growth strategy with HaxiTAG SEO Solutions - HaxiTAG

Unveiling the Secrets of AI Search Engines for SEO Professionals: Enhancing Website Visibility in the Age of "Zero-Click Results" - GenAI USECASE

Balancing Potential and Reality of GPT Search - HaxiTAG

Optimizing Airbnb Listings through Semantic Search and Database Queries: An AI-Driven Approach - GenAI USECASE

Strategic Evolution of SEO and SEM in the AI Era: Revolutionizing Digital Marketing with AI - HaxiTAG

Saturday, August 17, 2024

LinkedIn Introduces AI Features and Gamification to Encourage Daily User Engagement and Create a More Interactive Experience

As technology rapidly advances, social media platforms are constantly seeking innovations to enhance user experience and increase user retention. LinkedIn, as the world's leading professional networking platform, is actively integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and gamification elements to promote daily user interactions. This strategic move not only aims to boost user engagement and activity but also to consolidate its position in the professional social networking sphere.

Application of AI Features

By leveraging advanced technologies such as Foundation Model, Generative AI (GenAI), and Large Language Models (LLM), LinkedIn has launched a series of new AI tools. These tools primarily focus on recommending content and connections, enabling users to build and maintain their professional networks more efficiently.

  1. Content Recommendation: AI can accurately recommend articles, posts, and discussion groups based on users' interests, professional backgrounds, and historical activity data. This not only helps users save time in finding valuable content but also significantly improves the relevance and utility of the information. Using LLMs, LinkedIn can provide nuanced and contextually appropriate suggestions, enhancing the overall user experience.

  2. Connection Recommendation: By analyzing users' career development, interests, and social networks, AI can intelligently suggest potential contacts, helping users expand their professional network. GenAI capabilities ensure that these recommendations are not only accurate but also dynamically updated based on the latest data.

Introduction of Gamification Elements

To enhance user engagement, LinkedIn has incorporated gamification elements (such as achievement badges, point systems, and challenge tasks) that effectively motivate users to remain active on the platform. Specific applications of gamification include:

  1. Achievement Badges: Users can earn achievement badges for completing certain tasks or reaching specific milestones. These visual rewards not only boost users' sense of accomplishment but also encourage them to stay active on the platform.

  2. Point System: Users can earn points for various interactions on the platform (such as posting content, commenting, and liking). These points can be used to unlock additional features or participate in special events, further enhancing user engagement.

  3. Challenge Tasks: LinkedIn regularly launches various challenge tasks that encourage users to participate in discussions, share experiences, or recommend friends. This not only increases user interaction opportunities but also enriches the platform's content diversity.

Fostering Daily Habits Among Users

LinkedIn's series of initiatives aim to transform it into a daily habit for professionals, thereby enhancing user interaction and the platform's utility. By combining AI and gamification elements, LinkedIn provides users with a more personalized and interactive professional networking environment.

  1. Personalized Experience: AI can provide highly personalized content and connection recommendations based on users' needs and preferences, ensuring that every login offers new and relevant information. With the use of GenAI and LLMs, these recommendations are more accurate and contextually relevant, catering to the unique professional journeys of each user.

  2. Enhanced Interactivity: Gamification elements make each user interaction on the platform more enjoyable and meaningful, driving users to continuously use the platform. The integration of AI ensures that these gamified experiences are tailored to individual user behavior and preferences, further enhancing engagement.

Significance Analysis

LinkedIn's strategic move to combine AI and gamification is significant in several ways:

  1. Increased User Engagement and Platform Activity: By introducing AI and gamification elements, LinkedIn can effectively increase the time users spend on the platform and their interaction frequency, thereby boosting overall platform activity.

  2. Enhanced Overall User Experience: The personalized recommendations provided by AI, especially through the use of GenAI and LLMs, and the interactive fun brought by gamification elements significantly improve the overall user experience, making the platform more attractive.

  3. Consolidating LinkedIn’s Leading Position in Professional Networking: These innovative initiatives not only help attract new users but also effectively maintain the activity levels of existing users, thereby consolidating LinkedIn's leadership position in the professional social networking field.

Bottom Line Summary

LinkedIn's integration of artificial intelligence and gamification elements showcases its innovative capabilities in enhancing user experience and increasing user engagement. This strategic move not only helps to create a more interactive and vibrant professional networking platform but also further solidifies its leading position in the global professional networking market. For users looking to enhance their professional network and seek career development opportunities, LinkedIn is becoming increasingly indispensable.

By leveraging advanced technologies like Foundation Model, Generative AI (GenAI), and Large Language Models (LLM), along with the application of gamification elements, LinkedIn is providing users with a more interactive and personalized professional social experience. This not only improves the platform's utility but also lays a solid foundation for its future development and growth potential.


LinkedIn AI integration, LinkedIn gamification, Foundation Model LinkedIn, Generative AI LinkedIn, LinkedIn Large Language Models, LinkedIn content recommendation, LinkedIn connection recommendation, LinkedIn achievement badges, LinkedIn point system, LinkedIn challenge tasks, professional networking AI, LinkedIn user engagement, LinkedIn user retention, personalized LinkedIn experience, interactive LinkedIn platform

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Analysis and Evaluation of Corporate Rating Services: Background, Challenges, and Development Trends

In the modern business environment, corporate rating services have become increasingly important as tools for assessing and monitoring a company's financial health, operational risks, and market position. These services provide detailed rating reports and analyses to help investors, management, and other stakeholders make informed decisions. This article delves into the background, challenges, and future development trends of corporate rating services to offer a comprehensive understanding of this field’s current status and prospects.

Background of Corporate Rating Services

Corporate rating services primarily include credit ratings, financial condition assessments, and market performance analyses. Rating agencies typically provide a comprehensive evaluation based on a company's financial statements, operational model, market competitiveness, and macroeconomic environment. These ratings affect not only the company's financing costs but also its market reputation and investor confidence.

Major rating agencies include Standard & Poor's (S&P), Moody's, and Fitch. These agencies use established rating models and methods to systematically evaluate companies and provide detailed rating reports. These reports cover not only the financial condition but also the company’s market position, management capabilities, and industry trends.

Challenges Facing Corporate Rating Services

Data Transparency Issues

The accuracy of corporate ratings heavily depends on the data provided by the company. However, many companies might have information asymmetry or conceal facts in their financial reports, leading to transparency issues for rating agencies. Additionally, non-financial information such as management capability and market environment is difficult to quantify and standardize, adding complexity to the rating process.

Limitations of Rating Models

Despite the use of various complex rating models, these models have their limitations. For example, traditional financial indicators cannot fully reflect a company's operational risks or market changes. With the rapid evolution of the market environment, outdated rating models may fail to adjust in time, leading to lagging rating results.

Economic Uncertainty

Global economic fluctuations pose challenges to corporate rating services. For instance, economic recessions or financial crises may lead to severe deterioration in a company's financial condition, which traditional rating models might not promptly reflect, impacting the accuracy and timeliness of ratings.

Impact of Technological Advancements

With the development of big data and artificial intelligence, the technological methods and approaches in corporate rating services are continually advancing. However, new technologies also bring new challenges, such as ensuring the transparency and interpretability of AI models and avoiding technological biases and algorithmic risks.

Development Trends in Corporate Rating Services

Intelligent and Automated Solutions

As technology progresses, corporate rating services are gradually moving towards intelligence and automation. The application of big data analysis and artificial intelligence enables rating agencies to process vast amounts of data more efficiently, improving the accuracy and timeliness of ratings. For example, machine learning algorithms can analyze historical data to predict future financial performance, providing more precise rating results.

Multi-Dimensional Assessment

Future corporate rating services will focus more on multi-dimensional assessments. In addition to traditional financial indicators, rating agencies will increasingly consider factors such as corporate social responsibility, environmental impact, and governance structure. This comprehensive assessment approach can more fully reflect a company's actual situation, enhancing the reliability and fairness of ratings.

Transparency and Openness

To improve the credibility and transparency of ratings, rating agencies are gradually enhancing the openness of the rating process and methods. By disclosing detailed rating models, data sources, and analytical methods, agencies can strengthen users' trust in the rating results. Additionally, third-party audits and evaluation mechanisms may be introduced to ensure the fairness and accuracy of the rating process.

Combination of Globalization and Localization

Corporate rating services will also face the dual challenge of globalization and localization. The globalization trend requires agencies to conduct consistent evaluations across different regions and markets, while localization demands a deep understanding of local market environments and economic characteristics. In the future, rating agencies need to balance globalization and localization to provide ratings that meet diverse market needs.


Corporate rating services play a crucial role in the modern business environment. Despite challenges such as data transparency, model limitations, economic uncertainty, and technological advancements, the ongoing development of intelligence, multi-dimensional assessment, transparency, and the balance of globalization and localization will continuously enhance the accuracy and reliability of corporate rating services. In the future, these services will remain vital in supporting investment decisions, managing risks, and boosting market confidence.

HaxiTAG ESG solution leverages advanced LLM and GenAI technologies to drive ESG data pipeline automation, covering reading, understanding, and analyzing diverse content types including text, images, tables, documents, and videos. By integrating comprehensive data assets, HaxiTAG's data intelligence component enhances human-computer interaction, verifies facts, and automates data checks, significantly improving management operations. It supports data modeling of digital assets and enterprise factors, optimizing decision-making efficiency, and boosting productivity. HaxiTAG’s innovative solutions foster value creation and competitiveness, offering tailored LLM and GenAI applications to enhance ESG and financial technology integration within enterprise scenarios.


Corporate rating services background, challenges in corporate rating, future trends in corporate ratings, financial health assessment tools, data transparency issues in rating, limitations of rating models, impact of economic uncertainty on ratings, technological advancements in corporate rating, intelligent rating solutions, multi-dimensional assessment in rating

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Sunday, August 4, 2024

Analysis of New Green Finance and ESG Disclosure Regulations in China and Hong Kong

On May 1, 2024, China's three major stock exchanges released new guidelines for the disclosure of sustainable development information by listed companies. This marks a significant step forward for China in the field of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices. According to these guidelines, by 2026, over 300 companies, including major index constituents, will be required to publish sustainability reports covering governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets. This initiative signifies China's further commitment to promoting green finance and sustainable development, aiming to expand ESG investment and facilitate the transformation of traditional high-emission industries towards cleaner production processes.

Background of China's ESG Disclosure Guidelines

The new guidelines from China’s three major exchanges mandate that listed companies provide detailed disclosures in four core areas: governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets. These disclosures will enhance transparency in corporate sustainability efforts and bolster investor trust. Particularly in governance, the guidelines emphasize the board's responsibility for effective oversight of ESG matters, encouraging companies to focus on long-term sustainability strategies rather than short-term financial performance.

This policy is expected to channel more investment into green and sustainable sectors, especially those previously overlooked high-emission industries such as steel and agriculture. By promoting the transition of these traditional sectors to cleaner production processes, China aims to achieve a green economic transformation, reduce environmental impact, and improve overall economic sustainability.

Recent Developments in Green Finance

In addition to the new ESG disclosure guidelines, significant progress has been made in China's green finance sector. The People’s Bank of China has extended the implementation period for carbon reduction tools to 2024, incorporating more foreign and domestic banks into the carbon reduction framework. This measure aims to strengthen financial support for carbon reduction and further promote green financing.

In the fourth quarter of 2023, the balance of green loans in China reached 30.08 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 36.5%, accounting for 12.7% of the total loan balance. This growth highlights the increasing importance of green finance within China’s financial system. Meanwhile, the national carbon market’s trading volume reached 212 million tons in 2023, with transaction value rising from 2.81 billion yuan in 2022 to 14.44 billion yuan. These figures indicate significant progress in advancing carbon reduction and green finance in China.

Hong Kong's Green Finance Policy Updates

In Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX) has also strengthened its ESG reporting requirements for listed companies. According to the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Framework issued by HKEX in April 2024, companies must provide more detailed disclosures on ESG oversight, management practices, and strategies. This move aims to enhance Hong Kong’s status as a global green finance hub and ensure transparency and accountability in ESG matters among listed companies.

Additionally, the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) are advancing green finance development. The SFC's Code of Conduct for Fund Managers requires fund managers to incorporate climate-related risks into their investment and risk management processes and encourages enhanced ESG fund disclosure requirements. The HKMA’s Climate Risk Management Supervisory Policy Manual promotes scenario analysis and stress testing for financial institutions to address climate change-related financial risks.

Future Green Finance Initiatives in Hong Kong

The Financial Secretary of Hong Kong proposed in the 2024-25 Budget to extend the HKMA-managed Green and Sustainable Finance Funding Scheme until 2027, providing subsidies for green and sustainable bonds and loans. This initiative aims to further support the development of green finance products and reinforce Hong Kong's role as a leading sustainable finance center.

Furthermore, Hong Kong has introduced the Code of Conduct for ESG Rating and Data Product Providers, aimed at improving the reliability and transparency of ESG ratings and data products. These new regulations are expected to enhance market trust in ESG ratings, encouraging greater investor participation in green finance.

The latest developments in green finance and ESG disclosure in China and Hong Kong demonstrate a strong commitment to advancing sustainable development and environmental protection. The new ESG disclosure guidelines in China and related policy updates in Hong Kong are set to further boost green finance growth, improve market transparency, and drive the transformation of traditional high-emission industries. These policies not only reflect a commitment to environmental protection and sustainable development but also provide investors with clearer decision-making criteria. With the implementation of these policies, China and Hong Kong are poised to play a more significant role in the global green finance market.


China ESG disclosure guidelines, Hong Kong green finance policy, sustainable development reporting China, green finance initiatives Hong Kong, carbon reduction tools China, ESG reporting requirements HKEX, green loan balance growth China, carbon market trading volume China, HKMA climate risk management, Hong Kong ESG rating standards

Friday, August 2, 2024

Enterprise Brain and RAG Model at the 2024 WAIC:WPS AI,Office document software

The 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC), held from July 4 to 7 at the Shanghai World Expo Center, attracted numerous AI companies showcasing their latest technologies and applications. Among these, applications based on Large Language Models (LLM) and Generative AI (GenAI) were particularly highlighted. This article focuses on the Enterprise Brain (WPS AI) exhibited by Kingsoft Office at the conference and the underlying Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) model, analyzing its significance, value, and growth potential in enterprise applications.

WPS AI: Functions and Value of the Enterprise Brain

Kingsoft Office had already launched its AI document products a few years ago. At this WAIC, the WPS AI, targeting enterprise users, aims to enhance work efficiency through the Enterprise Brain. The core of the Enterprise Brain is to integrate all documents related to products, business, and operations within an enterprise, utilizing the capabilities of large models to facilitate employee knowledge Q&A. This functionality significantly simplifies the information retrieval process, thereby improving work efficiency.

Traditional document retrieval often requires employees to search for relevant materials in the company’s cloud storage and then extract the needed information from numerous documents. The Enterprise Brain allows employees to directly get answers through text interactions, saving considerable time and effort. This solution not only boosts work efficiency but also enhances the employee work experience.

RAG Model: Enhancing the Accuracy of Generated Content

The technical model behind WPS AI is similar to the RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) model. The RAG model combines retrieval and generation techniques, generating answers or content by referencing information from external knowledge bases, thus offering strong interpretability and customization capabilities. The working principle of the RAG model is divided into the retrieval layer and the generation layer:

  1. Retrieval Layer: After the user inputs information, the retrieval layer neural network generates a retrieval request and submits it to the database, which outputs retrieval results based on the request.
  2. Generation Layer: The retrieval results from the retrieval layer, combined with the user’s input information, are fed into the large language model (LLM) to generate the final result.

This model effectively addresses the issue of model hallucination, where the model provides inaccurate or nonsensical answers. WPS AI ensures content credibility by displaying the original document sources in the model’s responses. If the model references a document, the content is likely credible; otherwise, the accuracy needs further verification. Additionally, employees can click on the referenced documents for more detailed information, enhancing the transparency and trustworthiness of the answers.

Industry Applications and Growth Potential

The application of the WPS AI enterprise edition in the financial and insurance sectors showcases its vast potential. Insurance products are diverse, and their terms frequently change, necessitating timely information for both internal staff and external clients. Traditionally, maintaining a Q&A knowledge base manually is inefficient, but AI digital employees based on large models can significantly reduce maintenance costs and improve efficiency. Currently, the application in the insurance field is still in the co-creation stage, but its prospects are promising.

Furthermore, WPS AI also offers basic capabilities such as content expansion, content formatting, and content extraction, which are highly practical for enterprise users.

The WPS AI showcased at the 2024 WAIC demonstrated the immense potential of the Enterprise Brain in enhancing work efficiency and information retrieval within enterprises. By leveraging the RAG model, WPS AI not only solves the problem of model hallucination but also enhances the credibility and transparency of the content. As technology continues to evolve, the application scenarios of AI based on large models in enterprises will become increasingly widespread, with considerable value and growth potential.

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Enterprise Brain applications, RAG model benefits, WPS AI capabilities, AI in insurance sector, enhancing work efficiency with AI, large language models in enterprise, generative AI applications, AI-powered knowledge retrieval, WAIC 2024 highlights, Kingsoft Office AI solutions

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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Analysis of BCG's Report "From Potential to Profit with GenAI"

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, generative AI (GenAI) is gradually becoming a crucial force in driving digital transformation for enterprises. Boston Consulting Group (BCG) has recently published a report titled "From Potential to Profit with GenAI," exploring the potential of this cutting-edge technology in enterprise applications and strategies to turn this potential into actual profits. This article will combine BCG's research to deeply analyze the application prospects of GenAI in enterprises, its technological advantages, the growth of business ecosystems, and the potential challenges.

GenAI Technology and Application Research

Key Role in Enterprise Intelligent Transformation

BCG's report highlights that GenAI plays a key role in enterprise intelligent transformation, particularly in the following aspects:

  1. Data Analysis: GenAI can process vast amounts of data, conduct complex analyses and predictions, and provide deep insights for enterprises. For instance, by predicting market trends, enterprises can adjust their production and marketing strategies in advance, enhancing market competitiveness. According to BCG's report, companies adopting GenAI technology have improved their data analysis efficiency by 35%.

  2. Automated Decision Support: GenAI can achieve automated decision support systems, helping enterprises make quick and precise decisions in complex environments. This is particularly valuable in supply chain management and risk control. BCG points out that companies using GenAI have increased their decision-making speed and accuracy by 40%.

  3. Innovative Applications: GenAI can also foster innovation in products and services. For example, enterprises can utilize GenAI technology to develop personalized customer service solutions, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty. BCG's research shows that innovative applications enabled by GenAI have increased customer satisfaction by an average of 20%.

Growth of Business and Technology Ecosystems

Driving Digital Transformation of Enterprises

BCG's report emphasizes how GenAI drives enterprise growth during digital transformation. Specifically, GenAI influences business models and technical architecture in the following ways:

  1. Business Model Innovation: GenAI provides new business models for enterprises, such as AI-based subscription services and on-demand customized products, significantly increasing revenue and market share. BCG's data indicates that companies adopting GenAI have seen a 25% increase in new business model revenue.

  2. Optimization of Technical Architecture: By introducing GenAI technology, enterprises can optimize their technical architecture, improving system flexibility and scalability, better responding to market changes and technological advancements. According to BCG's research, GenAI technology has enhanced the flexibility of enterprise technical architecture by 30%.

Potential Challenges

While GenAI technology presents significant opportunities, enterprises also face numerous challenges during its application. BCG's report points out the following key issues:

  1. Data Privacy: In a data-driven world, protecting user privacy is a major challenge. Enterprises need to establish strict data privacy policies to ensure the security and compliant use of user data. BCG's report emphasizes that 61% of companies consider data privacy a major barrier to applying GenAI.

  2. Algorithm Bias: GenAI algorithms may have biases, affecting the fairness and effectiveness of decisions. Enterprises need to take measures to monitor and correct algorithm biases, ensuring the fairness of AI systems. BCG notes that 47% of companies have encountered algorithm bias issues when using GenAI.

  3. Organizational Change: Introducing GenAI technology requires corresponding adjustments in organizational structure and management models. This includes training employees, adjusting business processes, and establishing cross-departmental collaboration mechanisms. BCG's report shows that 75% of companies believe organizational change is key to the successful application of GenAI.


BCG's research report reveals the immense potential and challenges of GenAI technology in enterprise applications. By deeply understanding and effectively addressing these issues, enterprises can transform GenAI technology from potential to actual profit, driving the success of digital transformation. In the future, as GenAI technology continues to develop and mature, enterprises will face more opportunities and challenges in data analysis, automated decision-making, and innovative applications.

Through this analysis, we hope to help readers better understand the value and growth potential of GenAI technology, encouraging more enterprises to fully utilize this cutting-edge technology in their digital transformation journey to gain a competitive edge.


Generative AI in enterprises, GenAI data analysis, AI decision support, AI-driven digital transformation, AI in supply chain management, AI financial analysis, AI customer personalization, AI-generated content in marketing, AI technical architecture, GenAI challenges in data privacy

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Saturday, July 20, 2024

Identifying the True Competitive Advantage of Generative AI Co-Pilots

In the context of the widespread application of generative AI, many organizations are experimenting with this technology in an attempt to gain a competitive edge. However, most of these initiatives have not yielded the desired results. This article will explore how to correctly utilize generative AI co-pilot tools to achieve a genuine competitive advantage in specific fields.

Current Application of Generative AI in Organizations

Generative AI has attracted significant interest from enterprises due to its ease of use and broad application prospects. For example, a bank purchased tens of thousands of GitHub Copilot licenses but has made slow progress due to a lack of understanding of how to collaborate with this technology. Similarly, many companies have tried to integrate generative AI into their customer service capabilities, but since customer service is not a core business function for most companies, these efforts have not created a significant competitive advantage.

Pathways to Achieving Competitive Advantage

To achieve a competitive advantage, companies first need to understand the three roles of generative AI users: "acceptors," "shapers," and "makers." Since the maker approach is too costly for most companies, they should focus on the sweet spot of improving productivity with off-the-shelf models (acceptors) while developing their own applications (shapers).

The near-term value of generative AI is largely related to its ability to help people perform their current tasks better. For example, generative AI tools can act as co-pilots, working alongside employees to create initial code blocks or draft requests for new parts for field maintenance workers to review and submit. Companies should focus on areas where co-pilot technology can have the greatest impact on their priority projects.

Examples and Application Areas of Co-Pilots

Some industrial companies have identified maintenance as a critical area of their business. Reviewing maintenance reports and spending time with frontline workers can help determine where AI co-pilots can make a significant impact, such as quickly and early identifying equipment failures. Generative AI co-pilots can also help identify the root causes of truck failures and recommend solutions faster than usual, while serving as a continuous source of best practices or standard operating procedures.

Challenges and Solutions

The main challenge of generative AI co-pilots lies in how to generate revenue from productivity gains. For example, in the case of a customer service center, companies can achieve real financial benefits by stopping new hiring and utilizing natural attrition. Therefore, defining a plan to generate revenue from productivity gains from the outset is crucial for capturing value.

Generative AI co-pilot tools can significantly improve productivity in specific fields, but to achieve a true competitive advantage, companies need to clearly define their application scenarios and develop corresponding revenue plans. By effectively utilizing generative AI, companies can create unique competitive advantages in key business areas.


Generative AI co-pilots, AI competitive advantage, AI in customer service, GitHub Copilot integration, productivity gains with AI, AI in maintenance, generative AI applications, AI tool adoption strategies, business productivity improvement, revenue generation from AI

Friday, July 19, 2024

The Business Value and Challenges of Generative AI: An In-Depth Exploration from a CEO Perspective

An IBM study reveals that the application of generative AI in enterprises has become a focal point for CEOs worldwide. Despite the enormous business potential of this technology, many CEOs face challenges related to workforce, corporate culture, and governance when implementing and scaling generative AI within their organizations. This article will explore these challenges in detail and analyze the business value of generative AI.

Workforce and Corporate Culture Challenges

According to IBM's survey, 64% of global CEOs and 61% of Chinese CEOs believe that the success of generative AI depends more on employee adoption than on the technology itself. However, many enterprises have pushed the adoption of generative AI beyond what their employees can handle. Specifically:

  • Nearly two-thirds of the surveyed CEOs stated that although their teams have the skills to integrate generative AI, few understand its impact on employees and corporate culture.
  • More than half of the CEOs have not yet assessed the impact of generative AI on their employees.
  • 51% of CEOs indicated that positions related to generative AI are increasing, positions that did not exist a year ago (2023).

Changes in Corporate Culture and Governance

The success of generative AI depends not only on the technology itself but also on the transformation of corporate culture and governance structures. The survey highlights:

  • 65% of CEOs believe that the success of the enterprise is directly related to collaboration between financial and technical departments, but nearly half feel that competition among leadership can sometimes hinder this collaboration.
  • 57% of CEOs state that achieving a cultural shift to become a data-driven company is more important than overcoming technical challenges.

Speed and Risk Management

Despite numerous challenges, CEOs still believe that the benefits of rapidly adopting generative AI outweigh potential risks:

  • Over two-thirds of global CEOs and 71% of Chinese CEOs agree that generative AI governance must be integrated into solution design rather than post-deployment.
  • 62% of global CEOs and 69% of Chinese CEOs indicate a willingness to take on more risk than their competitors to maintain a competitive edge.

Product and Service Innovation

Generative AI offers new opportunities for product and service innovation. The survey shows:

  • CEOs participating in the survey ranked product and service innovation as their top priority for the next three years.
  • However, focusing on short-term performance is the main obstacle to achieving innovation, with only 36% of CEOs allocating new IT spending for generative AI investments, while the remaining 64% are investing in generative AI by reducing other technology expenditures.

Generative AI brings unprecedented business value and growth potential to enterprises, but its success relies on employee adoption, cultural transformation, and effective governance structures. CEOs need to balance speed and risk while promoting technology adoption to ensure the synchronous development of corporate culture and governance structures, fully unlocking the potential of generative AI.


Generative AI business value, CEO challenges in AI, employee adoption of AI, corporate culture transformation, AI governance structures, rapid AI adoption benefits, product and service innovation with AI, data-driven enterprise culture, AI risk management strategies, generative AI market trends

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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

2024 WAIC: Innovations in the Dolphin-AI Problem-Solving Assistant

The 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) was held at the Shanghai World Expo Center from July 4 to 7. This event showcased numerous applications based on large language models (LLM) and generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), attracting AI companies and professionals from around the globe. This article focuses on one particularly noteworthy educational product: the Dolphin-AI Problem-Solving Assistant. We will explore its application in mathematics education, its significance, and its growth potential.

Introduction to the Dolphin-AI Problem-Solving Assistant

The Dolphin-AI Problem-Solving Assistant is a mathematics tool designed specifically for students. It leverages the powerful computational capabilities of large models to break down complex math problems into multiple sub-problems, guiding users step by step to the solution. The product aims to help students better understand and master the problem-solving process by refining the steps involved.

Product Experience and Function Analysis

At the WAIC exhibition hall, I engaged in an in-depth conversation with the business personnel from Dolphin Education and experienced the product firsthand. Here is a summary of the product’s main features and my experience:

  1. Problem-Solving Step Breakdown: The Dolphin-AI Problem-Solving Assistant can decompose a complex math problem into several sub-problems, each corresponding to a step in the solution process. This breakdown helps students gradually understand the logical structure and solution methods of the problem.

  2. User Guidance: After users answer each sub-problem, the model evaluates the response's correctness and provides further guidance as needed. The entire guidance process is smooth, with no significant errors observed.

  3. Error Recognition and Handling: Although the model performs well in most cases, it occasionally makes errors in recognizing user responses. To address these errors, the model adjusts accordingly and introduces human intervention when necessary.

Addressing Model Hallucinations

During my discussion with the Dolphin Education staff, we covered the issue of model hallucinations (i.e., AI generating incorrect or inaccurate answers). Key points include:

  1. Hallucination Probability: According to the staff, the probability of model hallucinations is approximately 2%. Despite the low percentage, attention and management are still required in actual use.

  2. Human Intervention: To counteract model hallucinations, Dolphin Education has implemented a mechanism for human intervention. When the model cannot accurately guide the user, human intervention can promptly correct errors, ensuring users receive the correct steps and answers.

  3. Parental Role: The product is not only suitable for students but can also help parents understand problem-solving steps, enabling them to better tutor their children. This dual application enhances the product’s practicality and reach.

Future Development and Potential

The Dolphin-AI Problem-Solving Assistant demonstrates significant innovation and application potential in mathematics education. With the continuous advancement of large models and generative AI technology, similar products are expected to be widely applied in more subjects and educational scenarios. Key points for future development include:

  1. Technical Optimization: Further optimize the model’s recognition and guidance capabilities to reduce the occurrence of model hallucinations and enhance user experience.

  2. Multidisciplinary Expansion: Extend the product’s application to other subjects such as physics and chemistry, providing comprehensive academic support for students.

  3. Personalized Learning: Utilize big data analysis and personalized recommendations to create individualized learning paths and problem-solving strategies for different students.

The demonstration of the Dolphin-AI Problem-Solving Assistant at the 2024 WAIC highlights the immense potential of large models and generative AI in the education sector. By refining problem-solving steps, providing accurate guidance, and incorporating human intervention, this product effectively helps students understand and solve math problems. As technology continues to evolve, the Dolphin-AI Problem-Solving Assistant and similar products will play a larger role in the education sector, driving the innovation and progress of educational methods.


Dolphin-AI Problem-Solving Assistant, LLM in education, GenAI in education, AI math tutor, mathematics education innovation, AI-driven education tools, WAIC 2024 highlights, AI in student learning, large models in education, AI model hallucinations, personalized learning with AI, multidisciplinary AI applications, human intervention in AI, AI in educational technology, future of AI in education

Monday, July 15, 2024

The Profound Impact of AI Automation on the Labor Market

According to a McKinsey survey report, by 2030, the widespread application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology will significantly transform the labor market, potentially automating up to 30% of working hours. This shift will not only lead to substantial productivity gains but also trigger the need for millions of job transitions. This article explores the background, significance, value, and potential impact of this trend on the future labor market.

The Rise of AI and Automation Potential

The rapid development of AI has made its application across various industries feasible, from manufacturing to services, with no exceptions. McKinsey's research indicates that even without fully achieving general AI, approximately 20% of working hours can still be automated. This suggests that current technology already holds the potential for large-scale productivity improvements.

By 2030, about 27% of working hours in Europe and 30% in the United States could be automated. Such large-scale automation will significantly reduce the demand for manual labor while enhancing productivity and economic efficiency.

Job Transition Demands in the Labor Market

As automation progresses, the labor market will undergo profound changes. McKinsey's model predicts that in the most optimistic scenario, Europe will require up to 120 million job transitions, affecting 6.5% of current employment. In a slower adoption scenario, this number still reaches 8.5 million, affecting 4.6% of current employment. In the United States, the required transitions could approach 120 million, affecting 7.5% of current employment.

The emergence of these job transition demands will require workers to quickly adapt to new skills and positions. This not only challenges individual workers' adaptability but also demands higher standards from the entire education and training system.

Significance and Value

The demand for job transitions brought by automation has multifaceted impacts on society. Firstly, it will prompt more workers to enter higher-skilled industries, enhancing the overall skill level of the workforce. Secondly, it provides opportunities for businesses to reallocate resources and optimize processes, thereby improving competitiveness and innovation capacity.

Future Prospects and Growth Potential

Despite the significant challenges posed by job transition demands to the labor market, this also presents new opportunities for future economic growth and social development. Through effective policy support and improvements in the education and training system, workers can better adapt to new work environments and job demands, thereby promoting sustainable development of the overall economy.


The rapid development and widespread application of AI technology will profoundly change the landscape of the labor market. By fully leveraging the efficiency gains brought by automation and the opportunities presented by job transition demands, we can embrace a more efficient, innovative, and sustainable future.


AI automation in labor market, impact of AI on employment, AI-driven job transitions, future of AI in workforce, productivity gains from AI, McKinsey AI report, AI technology and job automation, AI and economic efficiency, job transitions due to AI, AI's role in future labor market

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Sunday, July 14, 2024

The Digital and Intelligent Transformation of the Telecom Industry: A Path Centered on GenAI and LLM

In today's digital age, the telecom industry is facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technologies, particularly generative AI (GenAI) and large language models (LLM), more and more telecom companies are actively exploring how to leverage these advanced technologies to drive their digital and intelligent transformation. This article will take a leading telecom company as an example to delve into its path of digital and intelligent transformation in the direction of GenAI and LLM, providing valuable experiences and insights for the industry.

I. Strategic Layout for Digital and Intelligent Transformation

  1. High-level Attention and Dedicated Positions

    The transformation journey of this telecom company began with a key decision: hiring a Chief Data and AI Officer. This move demonstrated the company's high regard for digital and intelligent transformation. The core responsibility of this executive is "enabling the organization to create value using data and AI," which not only set the direction for the company's transformation but also laid the foundation for subsequent specific implementations.

  2. Formulating Strategic Vision and Roadmap

    The Chief Data and AI Officer worked closely with various business departments to jointly formulate a comprehensive strategic vision and detailed roadmap. This process ensured that the transformation goals were consistent with the company's overall strategy while fully considering the actual needs and challenges of each department.

  3. Comprehensive Opportunity Scanning

    To ensure the comprehensiveness and precision of the transformation, the Chief Data and AI Officer conducted a thorough opportunity scan across various fields within the company. This included customer journeys, workflows, and various functional areas, aiming to identify the most promising AI application scenarios.

II. Selection and Implementation of Pilot Projects

  1. Choosing Pilot Areas

    After in-depth analysis and discussion, the company leadership selected the home service/maintenance field as the first pilot project. This choice not only considered the importance of this field but also viewed it as the starting point for a larger sequence of projects, laying the foundation for future expansions.

  2. Technology Selection

    To support the application of GenAI, the company chose large language models (LLM) as the core technology. Additionally, they carefully selected a cloud service provider that could meet current needs and had future expansion capabilities, providing strong technical support for the digital and intelligent transformation of the entire enterprise.

  3. Development of General AI Tools

    For the pilot business unit, the Chief Data and AI Officer's team developed an innovative general AI tool. This tool aims to help dispatchers and service operators more accurately predict the types of calls and parts needed for home services, thereby improving service efficiency and customer satisfaction.

III. Organizational Structure and Talent Development

  1. Establishing Cross-functional Product Teams

    To ensure that the development and implementation of AI tools met actual business needs, the company established cross-functional product teams. These teams shared common goals and incentive mechanisms, helping to break down departmental barriers and promote collaboration and innovation.

  2. Creating a Data and AI Academy

    Recognizing that talent is the key to digital and intelligent transformation, the company established a Data and AI Academy. This academy not only targeted technical personnel but also included dispatchers and service operators in its training scope, aiming to enhance the entire organization's data literacy and AI application capabilities.

IV. Building Data Infrastructure

  1. Implementing Data Architecture

    The Chief Data and AI Officer oversaw the implementation of a new data architecture. The design goal of this architecture was to quickly and responsibly provide high-quality data necessary for building AI tools, including key information such as service history records and inventory databases.

  2. Ensuring Data Quality

    The company placed special emphasis on the cleanliness and reliability of data, which is not only crucial for the effectiveness of AI models but also the foundation for ensuring compliant and responsible AI applications.

V. Future Outlook and Challenges

Although the telecom company has made significant progress in the digital and intelligent transformation in the direction of GenAI and LLM, this is just the beginning. In the future, the company will face several challenges:

  1. Rapid Technological Iteration: The development of AI technology, particularly in the fields of GenAI and LLM, is changing rapidly. Maintaining technological leadership is a major challenge.

  2. Talent Development and Retention: With the surging demand for AI talent, attracting, developing, and retaining core talent will become crucial.

  3. Data Privacy and Security: While driving innovation with data, ensuring user data privacy and security will be an ongoing challenge.

  4. Scaling and Expansion: Rapidly replicating the success of pilot projects to other business areas to achieve scale effects is an important task for the company's next phase.


The digital and intelligent transformation journey of this telecom company provides valuable experience for the entire industry. From high-level strategy to specific implementation, from technology selection to talent development, the company has demonstrated a comprehensive and systematic transformation approach. Through the application of GenAI and LLM technologies, the company has not only improved operational efficiency but also delivered a better service experience to customers. This transformation is not just a technological upgrade but also a revolution in the organization's thinking and operational model. With the deepening of digital and intelligent transformation, we have reason to believe that this telecom company will occupy a more advantageous position in future competition and set a new benchmark for the industry's development.


telecom industry digital transformation, GenAI applications in telecom, large language models in telecom, AI-driven telecom strategies, Chief Data and AI Officer role, telecom AI implementation, pilot projects in telecom AI, telecom data infrastructure, AI tools for telecom services, telecom AI talent development

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