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Showing posts with label productivity. Show all posts

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Insights and Solutions for Analyzing and Classifying Large-Scale Data Records (Tens of Thousands of Excel Entries) Using LLM and GenAI Tools

Traditional software tools are often unsuitable for complex, one-time, or infrequent tasks, making the development of intricate solutions impractical. For example, while Excel scripts or other tools can be used, they often require data insights that are only achievable through thorough analysis, leading to a disconnect that complicates the quick coding of scripts to accomplish the task.

As a result, using GenAI tools to analyze, classify, and label large datasets, followed by rapid modeling and analysis, becomes a highly effective choice.

In an experimental approach, we attempted to use GPT-4o to address this issue. The task needs to be broken down into multiple small steps to be completed progressively using a step-by-step strategy. When categorizing and analyzing data for modeling, it is advisable to break down complex tasks into simpler ones, gradually utilizing AI to assist in completing them.

The following solution and practice guide outlines a detailed process for effectively categorizing these data descriptions. Here are the specific steps and methods:

1. Preparation and Preliminary Processing

Export the Excel file as a CSV: Retain only the fields relevant to classification, such as serial number, name, description, display volume, click volume, and other foundational fields and data for modeling. Since large language models (LLMs) perform well with plain text and have limited context window lengths, retaining necessary information helps enhance processing efficiency.

If the data format and mapping meanings are unclear (e.g., if column names do not correspond to the intended meaning), manual data sorting is necessary to ensure the existence of a unique ID so that subsequent classification results can be correctly mapped.

2. Data Splitting

Split the large CSV file into multiple smaller files: Due to the context window limitations and the higher error probability with long texts, it is recommended to split large files into smaller ones for processing. AI can assist in writing a program to accomplish this task, with the number of records per file determined based on experimental outcomes.

3. Prompt Creation

Define classification and data structure: Predefine the parts classification and output data structure, for instance, using JSON format, making it easier for subsequent program parsing and processing.

Draft a prompt; AI can assist in generating classification, data structure definitions, and prompt examples. Users can input part descriptions and numbers and return classification results in JSON format.

4. Programmatically Calling LLM API

Write a program to call the API: If the user has programming skills, they can write a program to perform the following functions:

  • Read and parse the contents of the small CSV files.
  • Call the LLM API and pass in the optimized prompt with the parts list.
  • Parse the API’s response to obtain the correlation between part IDs and classifications, and save it to a new CSV file.
  • Process the loop: The program needs to process all split CSV files in a loop until classification and analysis are complete.

5. File Merging

Merge all classified CSV files: The final step is to merge all generated CSV files with classification results into a complete file and import it back into Excel.

Solution Constraints and Limitations

Based on the modeling objectives constrained by limitations, re-prompt the column data and descriptions of your data, and achieve the modeling analysis results by constructing prompts that meet the modeling goals.

Important Considerations:

  • LLM Context Window Length: The LLM’s context window is limited, making it impossible to process large volumes of records at once, necessitating file splitting.
  • Model Understanding Ability: Given that the task involves classifying complex and granular descriptions, the LLM may not accurately understand and categorize all information, requiring human-AI collaboration.
  • Need for Human Intervention: While AI offers significant assistance, the final classification results still require manual review to ensure accuracy.

By breaking down complex tasks into multiple simple sub-tasks and collaborating between humans and AI, efficient classification can be achieved. This approach not only improves classification accuracy but also effectively leverages existing AI capabilities, avoiding potential errors that may arise from processing large volumes of data in one go.

The preprocessing, splitting of data, reasonable prompt design, and API call programs can all be implemented using AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Claude. Novices need to start with basic data processing in practice, gradually mastering prompt writing and API calling skills, and optimizing each step through experimentation.

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Monday, August 26, 2024

Leveraging GenAI Technology to Create a Comprehensive Employee Handbook

In modern corporate management, an employee handbook serves not only as a guide for new hires but also as a crucial document embodying company culture, policies, and legal compliance. With advancements in technology, an increasing number of companies are using generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) to assist with knowledge management tasks, including the creation of employee handbooks. This article explores how to utilize GenAI collaborative tools to develop a comprehensive employee handbook, saving time and effort while ensuring content accuracy and authority.

What is GenAI?

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is a technology that uses deep learning algorithms to generate content such as text, images, and audio. In the realm of knowledge management, GenAI can automate tasks like information organization, content creation, and document generation. This enables companies to manage knowledge resources more efficiently, ensuring that new employees have access to all necessary information from day one.

Steps to Creating an Employee Handbook

  1. Define the Purpose and Scope of the Handbook First, clarify the purpose of the employee handbook: it serves as a vital tool to help new employees quickly integrate into the company environment and understand its culture, policies, and processes. The handbook should cover basic company information, organizational structure, benefits, career development paths, and also include company culture and codes of conduct.

  2. Utilize GenAI for Content Generation By employing GenAI collaborative tools, companies can generate handbook content from multiple perspectives, including:

    • Company Culture and Core Values: Use GenAI to create content about the company's history, mission, vision, and values, ensuring that new employees grasp the core company culture.
    • Codes of Conduct and Legal Compliance: Include employee conduct guidelines, professional ethics, anti-discrimination policies, data protection regulations, and more. GenAI can generate this content based on industry best practices and legal requirements to ensure accuracy.
    • Workflows and Benefits: Provide detailed descriptions of company workflows, attendance policies, promotion mechanisms, and health benefits. GenAI can analyze existing documents and data to generate relevant content.
  3. Editing and Review While GenAI can produce high-quality text, final content should be reviewed and edited by human experts. This step ensures the handbook's accuracy and relevance, allowing for adjustments to meet specific company needs.

  4. Distribution and Updates Once the handbook is complete, companies can distribute it to all employees via email, the company intranet, or other means. To maintain the handbook's relevance, companies should update it regularly, with GenAI tools assisting in monitoring and prompting update needs.

Advantages of Using GenAI to Create an Employee Handbook

  1. Increased Efficiency Using GenAI significantly reduces the time required to compile an employee handbook, especially when handling large amounts of information and data. It automates text generation and information integration, minimizing human effort.

  2. Ensuring Comprehensive and Accurate Content GenAI can draw from extensive knowledge bases to ensure the handbook's content is comprehensive and accurate, which is particularly crucial for legal and compliance sections.

  3. Enhancing Knowledge Management By systematically writing and maintaining the employee handbook, companies can better manage internal knowledge resources. This helps improve new employees' onboarding experience and work efficiency.

Leveraging GenAI technology to write an employee handbook is an innovative and efficient approach. It saves time and labor costs while ensuring the handbook's content is accurate and authoritative. Through this method, companies can effectively communicate their culture and policies, helping new employees quickly adapt and integrate into the team. As GenAI technology continues to develop, we can anticipate its growing role in corporate knowledge management and document generation.


GenAI employee handbook creation, generative AI in HR, employee handbook automation, company culture and GenAI, AI-driven knowledge management, benefits of GenAI in HR, comprehensive employee handbooks, legal compliance with GenAI, efficiency in employee onboarding, GenAI for workplace policies

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Saturday, August 24, 2024

Deep Competitor Traffic Analysis Using Similarweb Pro and Claude 3.5 Sonnet

In today's digital age, gaining a deep understanding of competitors' online performance is crucial for achieving a competitive advantage. This article will guide you on how to comprehensively analyze competitors by using Similarweb Pro and Claude 3.5 Sonnet, with a focus on traffic patterns, user engagement, and marketing strategies.

Why Choose Similarweb Pro and Claude 3.5 Sonnet?

Similarweb Pro is a powerful competitive intelligence tool that provides detailed data on website traffic, user behavior, and marketing strategies. On the other hand, Claude 3.5 Sonnet, as an advanced AI language model, excels in natural language processing and creating interactive charts, helping us derive deeper insights from data.

Overview of the Analysis Process

  1. Setting Up Similarweb Pro for Competitor Analysis
  2. Collecting Comprehensive Traffic Data
  3. Creating Interactive Visualizations Using Claude 3.5 Sonnet
  4. Analyzing Key Metrics (e.g., Traffic Sources, User Engagement, Rankings)
  5. Identifying Successful Traffic Acquisition Strategies
  6. Developing Actionable Insights to Improve Performance

Now, let's delve into each step to uncover valuable insights about your competitors!

1. Setting Up Similarweb Pro for Competitor Analysis

First, log into your Similarweb Pro account and navigate to the competitor analysis section. Enter the URLs of the competitor websites you wish to analyze. Similarweb Pro allows you to compare multiple competitors simultaneously; it's recommended to select 3-5 main competitors for analysis.

Similarweb Pro Setup Process This simple chart illustrates the setup process in Similarweb Pro, providing readers with a clear overview of the entire procedure.

2. Collecting Comprehensive Traffic Data

Once setup is complete, Similarweb Pro will provide you with a wealth of data. Focus on the following key metrics:

  • Total Traffic and Traffic Trends
  • Traffic Sources (Direct, Search, Referral, Social, Email, Display Ads)
  • User Engagement (Page Views, Average Visit Duration, Bounce Rate)
  • Rankings and Keywords
  • Geographic Distribution
  • Device Usage

Ensure you collect data for at least 6-12 months to identify long-term trends and seasonal patterns.

3. Creating Interactive Visualizations Using Claude 3.5 Sonnet

Export the data collected from Similarweb Pro in CSV format. We can then utilize Claude 3.5 Sonnet's powerful capabilities to create interactive charts and deeply analyze the data.

Example of Using Claude to Create Interactive Charts:

Competitor Traffic Trend Chart This interactive chart displays the traffic trends of three competitors. Such visualizations make it easier to identify trends and patterns.

4. Analyzing Key Metrics

Using Claude 3.5 Sonnet, we can perform an in-depth analysis of various key metrics:

  • Traffic Source Analysis: Understand the primary sources of traffic for each competitor and identify their most successful channels.
  • User Engagement Comparison: Analyze page views, average visit duration, and bounce rate to see which competitors excel at retaining users.
  • Keyword Analysis: Identify the top-ranking keywords of competitors and discover potential SEO opportunities.
  • Geographic Distribution: Understand the target markets of competitors and find potential expansion opportunities.
  • Device Usage: Analyze the traffic distribution between mobile and desktop devices to ensure your website delivers an excellent user experience across all devices.

5. Identifying Successful Traffic Acquisition Strategies

Through the analysis of the above data, we can identify the successful traffic acquisition strategies of competitors:

  • Content Marketing: Analyze competitors' blog posts, whitepapers, or other content to understand how they attract and retain readers.
  • Social Media Strategy: Assess their performance on various social platforms to understand the most effective content types and posting frequencies.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Analyze their site structure, content strategy, and backlink profile.
  • Paid Advertising: Understand their ad strategies, including keyword selection and ad copy.

6. Developing Actionable Insights

Based on our analysis, use Claude 3.5 Sonnet to generate a detailed report that includes:

  • Summary of competitors' strengths and weaknesses
  • Successful strategies that can be emulated
  • Discovered market opportunities
  • Specific recommendations for improving your own website's performance

This report will provide a clear roadmap to guide you in refining your digital marketing strategy.


By combining the use of Similarweb Pro and Claude 3.5 Sonnet, we can conduct a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of competitors' online performance. This approach not only provides rich data but also helps us extract valuable insights through AI-driven analysis and visualization.


Deep competitor traffic analysis, Similarweb Pro competitor analysis, Claude 3.5 Sonnet data visualization, online performance analytics, website traffic insights, digital marketing strategy, SEO keyword analysis, user engagement metrics, traffic source analysis, competitor analysis tools

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Thursday, August 22, 2024

How to Enhance Employee Experience and Business Efficiency with GenAI and Intelligent HR Assistants: A Comprehensive Guide

In modern enterprises, the introduction of intelligent HR assistants (iHRAs) has significantly transformed human resource management. These smart assistants provide employees with instant information and guidance through interactive Q&A, covering various aspects such as company policies, benefits, processes, knowledge, and communication. In this article, we explore the functions of intelligent HR assistants and their role in enhancing the efficiency of administrative and human resource tasks.

Functions of Intelligent HR Assistants

  1. Instant Information Query
    Intelligent HR assistants can instantly answer employee queries regarding company rules, benefits, processes, and more. For example, employees can ask about leave policies, salary structure, health benefits, etc., and the HR assistant will provide accurate answers based on a pre-programmed knowledge base. This immediate response not only improves employee efficiency but also reduces the workload of the HR department.

  2. Personalized Guidance
    By analyzing employee queries and behavior data, intelligent HR assistants can provide personalized guidance. For instance, new hires often have many questions about company processes and culture. HR assistants can offer customized information based on the employee's role and needs, helping them integrate more quickly into the company environment.

  3. Automation of Administrative Tasks
    Intelligent HR assistants can not only provide information but also perform simple administrative tasks such as scheduling meetings, sending reminders, processing leave requests, and more. These features greatly simplify daily administrative processes, allowing HR teams to focus on more strategic and important work.

  4. Continuously Updated Knowledge Base
    At the core of intelligent HR assistants is a continuously updated knowledge base that contains all relevant company policies, processes, and information. This knowledge base can be integrated with HR systems for real-time updates, ensuring that the information provided to employees is always current and accurate.

Advantages of Intelligent HR Assistants

  1. Enhancing Employee Experience
    By providing quick and accurate responses, intelligent HR assistants enhance the employee experience. Employees no longer need to wait for HR department replies; they can access the information they need at any time, which is extremely convenient in daily work.

  2. Improving Work Efficiency
    Intelligent HR assistants automate many repetitive tasks, freeing up time and energy for HR teams to focus on more strategic projects such as talent management and organizational development.

  3. Data-Driven Decision Support
    By collecting and analyzing employee interaction data, companies can gain deep insights into employee needs and concerns. This data can support decision-making, helping companies optimize HR policies and processes.

The introduction of intelligent HR assistants not only simplifies human resource management processes but also enhances the employee experience. With features like instant information queries, personalized guidance, and automation of administrative tasks, HR departments can operate more efficiently. As technology advances, intelligent HR assistants will become increasingly intelligent and comprehensive, providing even better services and support to businesses.


GenAI for HR management, intelligent HR assistants, employee experience improvement, automation of HR tasks, personalized HR guidance, real-time information query, continuous knowledge base updates, HR efficiency enhancement, data-driven HR decisions, employee onboarding optimization

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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Create Your First App with Replit's AI Copilot

With rapid technological advancements, programming is no longer exclusive to professional developers. Now, even beginners and non-coders can easily create applications using Replit's built-in AI Copilot. This article will guide you through how to quickly develop a fully functional app using Replit and its AI Copilot, and explore the potential of this technology now and in the future.

1. Introduction to AI Copilot

The AI Copilot is a significant application of artificial intelligence technology, especially in the field of programming. Traditionally, programming required extensive learning and practice, which could be daunting for beginners. The advent of AI Copilot changes the game by understanding natural language descriptions and generating corresponding code. This means that you can describe your needs in everyday language, and the AI Copilot will write the code for you, significantly lowering the barrier to entry for programming.

2. Overview of the Replit Platform

Replit is an integrated development environment (IDE) that supports multiple programming languages and offers a wealth of features, such as code editing, debugging, running, and hosting. More importantly, Replit integrates an AI Copilot, simplifying and streamlining the programming process. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, Replit provides a comprehensive development platform.

3. Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your App

1. Create a Project

Creating a new project in Replit is very straightforward. First, register an account or log in to an existing one, then click the "Create New Repl" button. Choose the programming language and template you want to use, enter a project name, and click "Create Repl" to start your programming journey.

2. Generate Code with AI Copilot

After creating the project, you can use the AI Copilot to generate code by entering a natural language description. For example, you can type "Create a webpage that displays 'Hello, World!'", and the AI Copilot will generate the corresponding HTML and JavaScript code. This process is not only fast but also very intuitive, making it suitable for people with no programming background.

3. Run the Code

Once the code is generated, you can run it directly in Replit. By clicking the "Run" button, Replit will display your application in a built-in terminal or browser window. This seamless process allows you to see the actual effect of your code without leaving the platform.

4. Understand and Edit the Code

The AI Copilot can not only generate code but also help you understand its functionality. You can select a piece of code and ask the AI Copilot what it does, and it will provide detailed explanations. Additionally, you can ask the AI Copilot to help modify the code, such as optimizing a function or adding new features.

4. Potential and Future Development of AI Copilot

The application of AI Copilot is not limited to programming. As technology continues to advance, AI Copilot has broad potential in fields such as education, design, and data analysis. For programming, AI Copilot can not only help beginners quickly get started but also improve the efficiency of experienced developers, allowing them to focus more on creative and high-value work.


Replit's AI Copilot offers a powerful tool for beginners and non-programmers, making it easier for them to enter the world of programming. Through this platform, you can not only quickly create and run applications but also gain a deeper understanding of how the code works. In the future, as AI technology continues to evolve, we can expect more similar tools to emerge, further lowering technical barriers and promoting the dissemination and development of technology.

Whether you're looking to quickly create an application or learn programming fundamentals, Replit's AI Copilot is a tool worth exploring. We hope this article helps you better understand and utilize this technology to achieve your programming aspirations.


Replit AI Copilot tutorial, beginner programming with AI, create apps with Replit, AI-powered coding assistant, Replit IDE features, how to code without experience, AI Copilot benefits, programming made easy with AI, Replit app development guide, Replit for non-coders.

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Thursday, August 15, 2024

Enhancing Daily Work Efficiency with Artificial Intelligence: A Comprehensive Analysis from Record Keeping to Automation

In today’s work environment, efficiently managing daily tasks and achieving work automation are major concerns for many businesses and individuals. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, we have the opportunity to integrate daily work records with AI to create Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), further optimize workflows through customized GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) applications, and realize efficient work automation. This article will explore in detail how to use AI to record daily work, create SOPs, build customized GPT models, and implement efficient work automation using tools like, Zapier, and OpenAI.

Using Artificial Intelligence to Record Daily Work

Artificial intelligence has shown tremendous potential in recording daily work. Traditional work records often require manual input, which is time-consuming and prone to errors. However, with AI technology, we can automate the recording process. For instance, using Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology, AI can extract key information from meeting notes, emails, and other textual data to automatically generate detailed work records. This automation not only saves time but also improves the accuracy of the data.

Creating Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) from Records

Once we have accurate work records, the next step is to convert these records into Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). SOPs are crucial tools for ensuring consistency and efficiency in workflows. By leveraging AI technology, we can analyze data patterns and processes from work records and automatically generate SOP documents. AI can identify key steps and best practices in tasks, systematizing this information to help standardize operational processes. This process not only enhances the efficiency of SOP creation but also improves its relevance and practicality.

Building Custom GPT Models Using SOPs

After creating SOPs, we can use these SOPs to build customized GPT models. GPT models, trained on extensive textual data, can generate content that meets specific needs. By using SOPs as training data, we can tailor GPT to produce guidance documents or work recommendations consistent with particular procedures. Customized GPTs can thus automatically generate standardized operational guides and adjust in real-time according to actual needs, thereby enhancing work efficiency and accuracy.

Using GPT Applications to Generate Workflows Collaboratively

With custom GPT models built, the next step is to use GPT applications to collaboratively generate workflows. GPT can be integrated into workflow management tools to automatically generate and optimize workflow elements. For example, GPT can automatically create task assignments, progress tracking, and outcome evaluations based on SOPs. This process makes workflows more automated and efficient, reducing the need for manual intervention and improving overall work efficiency.

Tool Integration:, Zapier, and OpenAI

To achieve these goals, we can integrate tools like, Zapier, and OpenAI. helps record and transcribe meeting content, converting it into structured data. Zapier, as a powerful automation tool, can connect various applications and services to automate task execution. For instance, Zapier can transform recorded meeting content into task lists and trigger corresponding actions. OpenAI provides advanced GPT technology, offering robust Natural Language Processing capabilities to help generate and optimize work content.

Implementation Cases and Challenges

Real-world cases provide valuable lessons in implementing these technologies. For example, some companies have started using AI to record work and generate SOPs, optimizing workflows through GPT models, thus significantly improving work efficiency. However, challenges such as data privacy issues and technical integration complexity may arise. Companies need to carefully consider these challenges and take appropriate measures, such as strengthening data security and simplifying integration processes.


Utilizing artificial intelligence to record daily work, create SOPs, build customized GPT models, and achieve workflow automation can significantly enhance work efficiency and accuracy. Through the integration of tools like, Zapier, and OpenAI, we can realize efficient work automation and optimize workflows. However, successful implementation of these technologies requires a thorough understanding of technical details and addressing challenges effectively. Overall, AI provides powerful support for modern work environments, helping us better manage the complexity and changes of daily work.

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Creating Killer Content: Leveraging AIGC Tools to Gain Influence on Social Media

In the realm of self-media, the quality of content determines its influence. In recent years, the rise of Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) tools has provided content creators with unprecedented opportunities. This article will explore how to optimize content creation using these tools to enhance influence on social media platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram.

1. Tool Selection and Content Creation Process Optimization

In content creation, using the right tools can streamline the process while ensuring high-quality output. Here are some highly recommended AIGC tools:

  • Script Writing: ChatGPT and Claude are excellent choices, capable of helping creators generate high-quality scripts. Claude is particularly suitable for writing naturally flowing dialogues and storylines.
  • Visual Design: DALL-E 2 can generate eye-catching thumbnails and graphics, enhancing visual appeal.
  • Video Production: enables quick production of professional-grade videos, lowering the production threshold.
  • Voiceover: ElevenLabs offers AI voiceover technology that makes the narration sound more human, or you can use it to clone your own voice, enhancing the personalization and professionalism of your videos.

2. Data Analysis and Content Strategy Optimization

Successful content creation not only relies on high-quality production but also on effective data analysis to optimize strategies. The following tools are recommended:

  • VidIQ: Used for keyword research and channel optimization, helping to identify trends and audience interests.
  • Mr. Beast's ViewStats: Analyzes video performance and provides insights into popular topics and audience behavior.

With these tools, creators can better understand traffic sources, audience behavior, and fan interaction, thereby continuously optimizing their content strategies.

3. Balancing Consistency and Quality

The key to successful content creation lies in the combination of consistency and quality. Here are some tips to enhance content quality:

  • Storytelling: Each video should have an engaging storyline that makes viewers stay and watch till the end.
  • Using Hooks: Set an attractive hook at the beginning of the video to capture the audience's attention.
  • Brand Reinforcement: Ensure each video reinforces the brand image and sparks the audience's interest, making them eager to watch more content.

4. Building a Sustainable Content Machine

The ultimate goal of high-quality content is to build an auto-growing channel. By continuously optimizing content and strategies, creators can convert viewers into subscribers and eventually turn subscribers into customers. Make sure each video has clear value and gives viewers a reason to subscribe, achieving long-term growth and brand success.

Leveraging AIGC tools to create killer content can significantly enhance social media influence. By carefully selecting tools, optimizing content strategies, and maintaining consistent high-quality output, creators can stand out in the competitive digital environment and build a strong content brand.


AIGC tools for social media, killer content creation, high-quality content strategy, optimizing content creation process, leveraging AI-generated content, YouTube video optimization, TikTok content growth, Instagram visual design, AI tools for video production, data-driven content strategy.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

How to Effectively Utilize Generative AI and Large-Scale Language Models from Scratch: A Practical Guide and Strategies

 As an expert in the field of GenAI and LLM applications, I am deeply aware that this technology is rapidly transforming our work and lifestyle. Large language models with billions of parameters provide us with an unprecedented intelligent application experience, and generative AI tools like ChatGPT and Claude bring this experience to the fingertips of individual users. Let's explore how to fully utilize these powerful AI assistants in real-world scenarios.

Starting from scratch, the process to effectively utilize GenAI can be summarized in the following key steps:

  1. Define Goals: Before launching AI, we need to take a moment to think about our actual needs. Are we aiming to complete an academic paper? Do we need creative inspiration for planning an event? Or are we seeking a solution to a technical problem? Clear goals will make our AI journey much more efficient.

  2. Precise Questioning: Although AI is powerful, it cannot read our minds. Learning how to ask a good question is the first essential lesson in using AI. Specific, clear, and context-rich questions make it easier for AI to understand our intentions and provide accurate answers.

  3. Gradual Progression: Rome wasn't built in a day. Similarly, complex tasks are not accomplished in one go. Break down the large goal into a series of smaller tasks, ask the AI step-by-step, and get feedback. This approach ensures that each step meets expectations and allows for timely adjustments.

  4. Iterative Optimization: Content generated by AI often needs multiple refinements to reach perfection. Do not be afraid to revise repeatedly; each iteration enhances the quality and accuracy of the content.

  5. Continuous Learning: In this era of rapidly evolving AI technology, only continuous learning and staying up-to-date will keep us competitive. Stay informed about the latest developments in AI, try new tools and techniques, and become a trendsetter in the AI age.

In practical application, we can also adopt the following methods to effectively break down problems:

  1. Problem Definition: Describe the problem in clear and concise language to ensure an accurate understanding. For instance, "How can I use AI to improve my English writing skills?"

  2. Needs Analysis: Identify the core elements of the problem. In the above example, we need to consider grammar, vocabulary, and style.

  3. Problem Decomposition: Break down the main problem into smaller, manageable parts. For example:

    • How to use AI to check for grammar errors in English?
    • How to expand my vocabulary using AI?
    • How can AI help me improve my writing style?
  4. Strategy Formulation: Design solutions for each sub-problem. For instance, use Grammarly for grammar checks and ChatGPT to generate lists of synonyms.

  5. Data Collection: Utilize various resources. Besides AI tools, consult authoritative English writing guides, academic papers, etc.

  6. Comprehensive Analysis: Integrate all collected information to form a comprehensive plan for improving English writing skills.

To evaluate the effectiveness of using GenAI, we can establish the following assessment criteria:

  1. Efficiency Improvement: Record the time required to complete the same task before and after using AI and calculate the percentage of efficiency improvement.

  2. Quality Enhancement: Compare the outcomes of tasks completed with AI assistance and those done manually to evaluate the degree of quality improvement.

  3. Innovation Level: Assess whether AI has brought new ideas or solutions.

  4. Learning Curve: Track personal progress in using AI, including improved questioning techniques and understanding of AI outputs.

  5. Practical Application: Count the successful applications of AI-assisted solutions in real work or life scenarios and their effects.

For instance, suppose you are a marketing professional tasked with writing a promotional copy for a new product. You could utilize AI in the following manner:

  1. Describe the product features to ChatGPT and ask it to generate several creative copy ideas.
  2. Select the best idea and request AI to elaborate on it in detail.
  3. Have AI optimize the copy from different target audience perspectives.
  4. Use AI to check the grammar and expression to ensure professionalism.
  5. Ask AI for A/B testing suggestions to optimize the copy’s effectiveness.

Through this process, you not only obtain high-quality promotional copy but also learn AI-assisted marketing techniques, enhancing your professional skills.

In summary, GenAI and LLM have opened up a world of possibilities. Through continuous practice and learning, each of us can become an explorer and beneficiary in this AI era. Remember, AI is a powerful tool, but its true value lies in how we ingeniously use it to enhance our capabilities and create greater value. Let's work together to forge a bright future empowered by AI!


Generative AI utilization, large-scale language models, effective AI strategies, ChatGPT applications, Claude AI tools, AI-powered content creation, practical AI guide, language model optimization, AI in professional tasks, leveraging generative AI

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Sunday, August 11, 2024

GenAI and Workflow Productivity: Creating Jobs and Enhancing Efficiency

Background and Theme

In today's rapidly developing field of artificial intelligence, particularly generative AI (GenAI), a thought-provoking perspective has been put forward by a16z: GenAI not only does not suppress jobs but also creates more employment opportunities. This idea has sparked profound reflections on the role of GenAI in enhancing productivity. This article will focus on this theme, exploring the significance, value, and growth potential of GenAI productization in workflow productivity.

Job Creation Potential of GenAI

Traditionally, technological advancements have been seen as replacements for human labor, especially in certain skill and functional areas. However, the rise of GenAI breaks this convention. By improving work efficiency and creating new job positions, GenAI has expanded the production space. For instance, in areas like data processing, content generation, and customer service, the application of GenAI not only enhances efficiency but also generates numerous new jobs. These new positions include AI model trainers, data analysts, and AI system maintenance engineers.

Dual Drive of Productization and Commodification

a16z also points out that if GenAI can effectively commodify tasks that currently support specific high-cost jobs, its actual impact could be net positive. Software, information services, and automation tools driven by GenAI and large-scale language models (LLMs) are transforming many traditionally time-consuming and resource-intensive tasks into efficient productized solutions. Examples include automated document generation, intelligent customer service systems, and personalized recommendation engines. These applications not only reduce operational costs but also enhance user experience and customer satisfaction.

Value and Significance of GenAI

The widespread application of GenAI and LLMs brings new development opportunities and business models to various industries. From software development to marketing, from education and training to healthcare, GenAI technology is continually expanding its application range. Its value is not only reflected in improving work efficiency and reducing costs but also in creating entirely new business opportunities and job positions. Particularly in the fields of information processing and content generation, the technological advancements of GenAI have significantly increased productivity, bringing substantial economic benefits to enterprises and individuals.

Growth Potential and Future Prospects

The development prospects of GenAI are undoubtedly broad. As the technology continues to mature and application scenarios expand, the market potential and commercial value of GenAI will become increasingly apparent. It is expected that in the coming years, with more companies and institutions adopting GenAI technology, related job opportunities will continue to increase. At the same time, as the GenAI productization process accelerates, the market will see more innovative solutions and services, further driving social productivity.


The technological advancements of GenAI and LLMs not only enhance workflow productivity but also inject new vitality into economic development through the creation of new job opportunities and business models. The perspective put forward by a16z has been validated in practice, and the trend of GenAI productization and commodification will continue to have far-reaching impacts on various industries. Looking ahead, the development of GenAI will create a more efficient, innovative, and prosperous society.


GenAI-driven enterprise productivity, LLM and GenAI applications,GenAI, LLM, replacing human labor, exploring greater production space, creating job opportunities.

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Saturday, August 10, 2024

Accelerating Code Migrations with AI: Google’s Use of Generative AI in Code Migration

In recent years, the rapid development of software has led to the exponential growth of source code repositories. Google's monorepo is a prime example, containing billions of lines of code. To keep up with code changes, including language version updates, framework upgrades, and changes in APIs and data types, Google has implemented a series of complex infrastructures for large-scale code migrations. However, static analysis and simple migration scripts often struggle with complex code structures. To address this issue, Google has developed a new set of generative AI-driven tools that significantly enhance the efficiency and accuracy of code migrations.

Application of Generative AI Tools in Code Migration

Google has internally developed a new tool that combines multiple AI-driven tasks to assist developers in large-scale code migrations. The migration process can be summarized into three stages: targeting, edit generation and validation, and change review and rollout. Among these stages, generative AI shows the most significant advantage in the second stage of edit generation and validation.


In the migration process, the first step is to identify the locations in the codebase that need modifications. By using static tools and human input, an initial set of files and locations is determined. The tool then automatically expands this set to include additional relevant files such as test files, interface files, and other dependencies.

Edit Generation and Validation

The edit generation and validation stage is the most challenging part of the process. Google uses a version of the Gemini model, fine-tuned on internal code and data, to generate and validate code changes. The model predicts the differences (diffs) in the files where changes are needed based on natural language instructions, ensuring the final code is correct.

Change Review and Rollout

Finally, the generated code changes undergo automatic validation, including compiling and running unit tests. For failed validations, the model attempts to automatically repair the issues. After multiple validations and scoring, the final changes are applied to the codebase.

Case Study: Migrating from 32-bit to 64-bit Integers

In Google's advertising system, ID types were initially defined as 32-bit integers. With the growth in the number of IDs, these 32-bit integers were on the verge of overflow. Therefore, Google decided to migrate these IDs to 64-bit integers. This migration process involved tens of thousands of code locations, requiring significant time and effort if done manually.

By using the AI migration tool, Google significantly accelerated the process. The tool can automatically generate and validate most code changes, greatly reducing manual operations and communication costs. It is estimated that the total migration time was reduced by 50%, with 80% of the code modifications generated by AI.

Future Directions

Looking ahead, Google plans to apply AI to more complex migration tasks, such as data exchanges across multiple components or system architecture changes. Additionally, there are plans to improve the migration user experience in IDEs, allowing developers greater flexibility in using existing tools.

The successful application of generative AI in code migration demonstrates its wide potential, extending beyond code migration to error correction and general code maintenance. This technology's ongoing development will significantly enhance software development efficiency and drive industry progress.

Through this exploration, Google not only showcased AI's powerful capabilities in code migration but also provided valuable insights and ideas for other enterprises and developers. The application of generative AI will undoubtedly lead the future direction of software development.


Google generative AI tools, AI-driven code migration, software development efficiency, large-scale code migration, Gemini model code validation, Google monorepo, 32-bit to 64-bit integer migration, AI in code maintenance, AI-powered code change validation, future of software development with AI

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Thursday, August 8, 2024

Zhipu AI's All Tools: A Case Study of Spring Festival Travel Data Analysis

 With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, AI large models are increasingly becoming key tools for driving innovation and enhancing productivity. Zhipu AI's All Tools platform showcases its exceptional performance in data analysis, text-to-image generation, code interpretation, and web browsing by integrating various large model capabilities. This article delves into how the All Tools platform leverages GLM-4 to automatically invoke multiple model capabilities based on user intent, using a case study of Spring Festival travel data analysis to demonstrate its immense potential in practical applications.

Core Functions of All Tools

The All Tools platform by Zhipu AI integrates multiple functionalities, including the CogView2 text-to-image model, code interpreter, web browsing, and Function Call. It intelligently invokes the required models to complete complex tasks based on user natural language instructions. Below is a brief introduction to its main functions:

  1. Continuous Text and Image Creation: Leveraging CogView2, All Tools can interact continuously with users within the context, generating high-quality text and image content.
  2. Web Browsing: The model autonomously plans search tasks, selects information sources, interacts with them, and accurately retrieves the required information.
  3. Code Interpreter: Supports complex calculations, file processing, data analysis, and chart generation tasks.
  4. Function Call: Automatically selects the necessary functions based on user-provided descriptions, generates parameters, and responds according to the function's return values.

Case Study: Generating a Spring Festival Travel Data Line Chart

In practical applications, All Tools has demonstrated its efficiency and intelligence. The following are the specific steps to complete the Spring Festival travel data analysis using the All Tools platform:

  1. Data Acquisition: The user issues a natural language instruction such as "Find the Spring Festival travel data for the past three years and draw a line chart." The All Tools platform invokes the web browsing capability to automatically search and extract data from authoritative sources like the Chinese government website.
  2. Data Processing: The extracted data is compiled into an Excel sheet, where the code interpreter is used to organize and process the data.
  3. Chart Generation: Finally, through the chart generation function of the code interpreter, a clear line chart of the Spring Festival travel data is produced.

This integrated operation greatly simplifies the data analysis process, enhancing both efficiency and accuracy.

Future Prospects

The All Tools platform by Zhipu AI not only demonstrates strong advantages in data analysis but also has broad application prospects in text-to-image generation, language understanding, and image creation. In the future, with the continuous advancement of AI technology, All Tools is expected to further expand its functionalities, supporting more application areas.

Through the case study of Spring Festival travel data analysis, we can see how Zhipu AI's All Tools platform utilizes the GLM-4 large model to intelligently invoke multiple model capabilities and efficiently complete complex tasks. As the operating system (OS) of the AI era, All Tools showcases its immense potential in practical applications, providing robust support for the intelligent transformation of various industries.

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Saturday, August 3, 2024

Exploring the Application of LLM and GenAI in Recruitment at WAIC 2024

During the World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC), held from July 4 to 7, 2024, at the Shanghai Expo Center, numerous AI companies showcased innovative applications based on large models. Among them, the AI Interviewer from Liepin garnered significant attention. This article will delve into the practical application of this technology in recruitment and its potential value.

1. Core Value of the AI Interviewer

Liepin's AI Interviewer aims to enhance interview efficiency for enterprises, particularly in the first round of interviews. Traditional recruitment processes are often time-consuming and labor-intensive, whereas the AI Interviewer automates interactions between job seekers and an AI digital persona, saving time and reducing labor costs. Specifically, the system automatically generates interview questions based on the job description (JD) provided by the company and intelligently scores candidates' responses.

2. Technical Architecture and Functionality Analysis

The AI Interviewer from Liepin consists of large and small models:

  • Large Model: Responsible for generating interview questions and facilitating real-time interactions. This component is trained on extensive data to accurately understand job requirements and formulate relevant questions.

  • Small Model: Primarily used for scoring, trained on proprietary data accumulated by Liepin to ensure accuracy and fairness in assessments. Additionally, the system employs Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Text-to-Speech (TTS) technologies to create a smoother and more natural interview process.

3. Economic Benefits and Market Potential

The AI Interviewer is priced at 20 yuan per interview. Considering that a typical first-round interview involves around 20 candidates, the overall cost amounts to approximately 400 yuan. Compared to traditional in-person interviews, this system not only allows companies to save costs but also significantly enhances interview efficiency. The introduction of this system reduces human resource investments and accelerates the screening process, increasing the success rate of recruitment.

4. Industry Impact and Future Outlook

As companies increasingly focus on the efficiency and quality of recruitment, the AI Interviewer is poised to become a new standard in the industry. This model could inspire other recruitment platforms, driving the entire sector towards greater automation. In the future, as LLM and GenAI technologies continue to advance, recruitment processes will become more intelligent and personalized, providing better experiences for both enterprises and job seekers.

In summary, Liepin's AI Interviewer demonstrates the vast potential of LLM and GenAI in the recruitment field. By enhancing interview efficiency and reducing costs, this technology will drive transformation in the recruitment industry. As the demand for intelligent recruitment solutions continues to grow, more companies are expected to explore AI applications in recruitment, further promoting the overall development of the industry.


AI Interviewer in recruitment, LLM applications in hiring, GenAI for interview automation, AI-driven recruitment solutions, efficiency in first-round interviews, cost-effective hiring technologies, automated candidate screening, speech recognition in interviews, digital persona in recruitment, future of AI in HR.

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Thursday, August 1, 2024

Embracing the Future: 6 Key Concepts in Generative AI

As the field of artificial intelligence (AI) evolves rapidly, generative AI stands out as a transformative force across industries. For executives looking to leverage cutting-edge technology to drive innovation and operational efficiency, understanding core concepts in generative AI, such as transformers, multi-modal models, self-attention, and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), is essential.

The Rise of Generative AI

Generative AI refers to systems capable of creating new content, such as text, images, music, and more, by learning from existing data. Unlike traditional AI, which often focuses on recognition and classification, generative AI emphasizes creativity and production. This capability opens a wealth of opportunities for businesses, from automating content creation to enhancing customer experiences and driving new product innovations.

Transformers: The Backbone of Modern AI

At the heart of many generative AI systems lies the transformer architecture. Introduced by Vaswani et al. in 2017, transformers have revolutionized the field of natural language processing (NLP). Their ability to process and generate human-like text with remarkable coherence has made them the backbone of popular AI models like OpenAI’s GPT and Google’s BERT.

Transformers operate using an encoder-decoder structure. The encoder processes input data and creates a representation, while the decoder generates output from this representation. This architecture enables the handling of long-range dependencies and complex patterns in data, which are crucial for generating meaningful and contextually accurate content.

Large Language Models: Scaling Up AI Capabilities

Building on the transformer architecture, Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as a powerful evolution in generative AI. LLMs, such as GPT-3 and GPT-4 from OpenAI, Claude 3.5 Sonnet from Anthropic, Gemini from Google, and Llama 3 from Meta (just to name a few of the most popular frontier models), are characterized by their immense scale, with billions of parameters that allow them to understand and generate text with unprecedented sophistication and nuance.

LLMs are trained on vast datasets, encompassing diverse text from books, articles, websites, and more. This extensive training enables them to generate human-like text, perform complex language tasks, and understand context with high accuracy. Their versatility makes LLMs suitable for a wide range of applications, from drafting emails and generating reports to coding and creating conversational agents.

For executives, LLMs offer several key advantages:

  • Automation of Complex Tasks: LLMs can automate complex language tasks, freeing up human resources for more strategic activities.
  • Improved Decision Support: By generating detailed reports and summaries, LLMs assist executives in making well-informed decisions.
  • Enhanced Customer Interaction: LLM-powered chatbots and virtual assistants provide personalized customer service, improving user satisfaction.

Self-Attention: The Key to Understanding Context

A pivotal innovation within the transformer architecture is the self-attention mechanism. Self-attention allows the model to weigh the importance of different words in a sentence relative to each other. This mechanism helps the model understand context more effectively, as it can focus on relevant parts of the input when generating or interpreting text.

For example, in the sentence “The cat sat on the mat,” self-attention helps the model recognize that “cat” and “sat” are closely related, and “on the mat” provides context to the action. This understanding is crucial for generating coherent and contextually appropriate responses in conversational AI applications.

Multi-Modal Models: Bridging the Gap Between Modalities

While transformers have excelled in NLP, the integration of multi-modal models has pushed the boundaries of generative AI even further. Multi-modal models can process and generate content across different data types, such as text, images, and audio. This capability is instrumental for applications that require a holistic understanding of diverse data sources.

For instance, consider an AI system designed to create marketing campaigns. A multi-modal model can analyze market trends (text), customer demographics (data tables), and product images (visuals) to generate comprehensive and compelling marketing content. This integration of multiple data modalities enables businesses to harness the full spectrum of information at their disposal.

Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG): Enhancing Knowledge Integration

Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) represents a significant advancement in generative AI by combining the strengths of retrieval-based and generation-based models. Traditional generative models rely solely on the data they were trained on, which can limit their ability to provide accurate and up-to-date information. RAG addresses this limitation by integrating an external retrieval mechanism.

RAG models can access a vast repository of external knowledge, such as databases, documents, or web pages, in real-time. When generating content, the model retrieves relevant information and incorporates it into the output. This approach ensures that the generated content is both contextually accurate and enriched with current knowledge.

For executives, RAG presents a powerful tool for applications like customer support, where AI can provide real-time, accurate responses by accessing the latest information. It also enhances research and development processes by facilitating the generation of reports and analyses that are informed by the most recent data and trends.

Implications for Business Leaders

Understanding and leveraging these advanced AI concepts can provide executives with a competitive edge in several ways:

  • Enhanced Decision-Making: Generative AI can analyze vast amounts of data to generate insights and predictions, aiding executives in making informed decisions.
  • Operational Efficiency: Automation of routine tasks, such as content creation, data analysis, and customer support, can free up valuable human resources and streamline operations.
  • Innovation and Creativity: By harnessing the creative capabilities of generative AI, businesses can explore new product designs, marketing strategies, and customer engagement methods.
  • Personalized Customer Experiences: Generative AI can create highly personalized content, from marketing materials to product recommendations, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

As generative AI continues to evolve, its potential applications across industries are boundless. For executives, understanding the foundational concepts of transformers, self-attention, multi-modal models, and retrieval-augmented generation is crucial. Embracing these technologies can drive innovation, enhance operational efficiency, and create new avenues for growth. By staying ahead of the curve, business leaders can harness the transformative power of generative AI to shape the future of their organizations.


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