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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Enterprise AI Application Services Procurement Survey Analysis

With the rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Generative AI, the modes and strategies of enterprise-level application services procurement are continuously evolving. This article aims to deeply analyze the current state of enterprise AI application services procurement in 2024, revealing its core viewpoints, key themes, practical significance, value, and future growth potential.

Core Viewpoints

  1. Discrepancy Between Security Awareness and Practice: Despite the increased emphasis on security issues by enterprises, there is still a significant lack of proper security evaluation during the actual procurement process. In 2024, approximately 48% of enterprises completed software procurement without adequate security or privacy evaluations, highlighting a marked inconsistency between security motivations and actual behaviors.

  2. AI Investment and Returns: The application of AI technology has surpassed the hype stage and has brought significant returns on investment. Reports show that 83% of enterprises that purchased AI platforms have seen positive ROI. This data indicates the enormous commercial application potential of AI technology, which can create real value for enterprises.

  3. Impact of Service Providers: During software procurement, the selection of service providers is strongly influenced by brand reputation and peer recommendations. While 69% of buyers consider service providers, only 42% actually collaborate with third-party implementation service providers. This underscores the critical importance of establishing strong brand reputation and customer relationships for service providers.

Key Themes

  1. The Necessity of Security Evaluation: Enterprises must rigorously conduct security evaluations when procuring software to counter increasingly complex cybersecurity threats. Although many enterprises currently fall short in this regard, strengthening this aspect is crucial for future development.

  2. Preference for Self-Service: Enterprises tend to prefer self-service during the initial stages of software procurement rather than directly engaging with sales personnel. This trend requires software providers to enhance self-service features and improve user experience to meet customer needs.

  3. Legal Issues in AI Technology: Legal and compliance issues often slow down AI software procurement, especially for enterprises that are already heavily utilizing AI technology. Therefore, enterprises need to pay more attention to legal compliance when procuring AI solutions and work closely with legal experts.

Practical Significance and Value

The procurement of enterprise-level AI application services not only concerns the technological advancement of enterprises but also impacts their market competitiveness and operational efficiency. Through effective AI investments, enterprises can achieve data-driven decision-making, enhance productivity, and foster innovation. Additionally, focusing on security evaluations and legal compliance helps mitigate potential risks and protect enterprise interests.

Future Growth Potential

The rapid development of AI technology and its widespread application in enterprise-level contexts suggest enormous growth potential in this field. As AI technology continues to mature and be widely adopted, more enterprises will benefit from it, driving the growth of the entire industry. The following areas of growth potential are particularly noteworthy:

  1. Generative AI: Generative AI has broad application prospects in content creation and product design. Enterprises can leverage generative AI to develop innovative products and services, enhancing market competitiveness.

  2. Industry Application: AI technology holds significant potential across various industries, such as healthcare, finance, and manufacturing. Customized AI solutions can help enterprises optimize processes and improve efficiency.

  3. Large Language Models (LLM): Large language models (such as GPT-4) demonstrate powerful capabilities in natural language processing, which can be utilized in customer service, market analysis, and various other scenarios, providing intelligent support for enterprises.


Enterprise-level AI application services procurement is a complex and strategically significant process, requiring comprehensive consideration of security evaluation, legal compliance, and self-service among other aspects. By thoroughly understanding and applying AI technology, enterprises can achieve technological innovation and business optimization, standing out in the competitive market. In the future, with the further development of generative AI and large language models, the prospects of enterprise AI application services will become even broader, deserving continuous attention and investment from enterprises.

Through this analysis, it is hoped that readers can better understand the core viewpoints, key themes, and practical significance and value of enterprise AI application services procurement, thereby making more informed decisions in practice.


Enterprise AI application services procurement, AI technology investment returns, Generative AI applications, AI legal compliance challenges, AI in healthcare finance manufacturing, large language models in business, AI-driven decision-making, cybersecurity in AI procurement, self-service in software purchasing, brand reputation in AI services.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Deep Insights into Microsoft's AI Integration Highlights at Build 2024 and Their Future Technological Implications

Microsoft's Build 2024 showcased an ambitious agenda centered around AI integration, with significant updates to Windows, Copilot, Edge, and Teams. The Phi-3-vision's multimodal capabilities and the Snapdragon PC's potential to disrupt the mobile computing space are particularly noteworthy.

Here is a summary of these highlights, which can serve as a foundation for community discussions:

Comprehensive AI Integration — Microsoft announced the deep integration of AI into the Windows operating system, Office suite, and Edge browser. This move underscores Microsoft's commitment to making AI an indispensable part of daily workflow processes. The infusion of AI technology into the Windows operating system promises to deliver more intelligent and automated experiences for users. For instance, AI integration in Office applications can significantly enhance document editing, data analysis, and other tasks by providing assistance that boosts efficiency. The Copilot code co-pilot tool, in particular, offers real-time coding suggestions and automation capabilities, substantially increasing developers' productivity.

Phi-3 Vision Launch — Microsoft introduced the latest version of its Azure AI-based Phi-3 model, which supports multi-modal functionality. This means that AI can now understand and process different types of data, such as text and images, opening up new creative possibilities for developers to design more intelligent and interactive applications. The multi-modal capabilities of the Phi-3 model represent a significant advancement in AI technology and a commitment from Microsoft to enhance user experience and services.

Edge Browser Real-time Translation — Following the lead of AI, Edge browser unveiled its real-time video translation feature, supporting multiple languages and applicable across major video platforms. The introduction of this feature significantly improves the convenience of cross-cultural communication, allowing people to conduct video conferences around the world without language barriers.

Microsoft Teams Custom Emojis — To enhance communication and expression, Microsoft Teams now supports custom emojis, which can be used not only in personal or small group conversations but also across the organization. This update not only elevates the user experience but also opens up new possibilities for personalization and social interaction within Teams.

Snapdragon PC by Qualcomm — Qualcomm launched a new Snapdragon Dev Kit for Windows, roughly the size of a Mac Mini, which is expected to bring new hardware options and performance improvements to the Windows ecosystem. This product's release indicates Microsoft's efforts in merging hardware and software, signaling the potential expansion of the Windows operating system into the mobile device market.

File Explorer Integration with Git — Microsoft's File Explorer will directly integrate the Git version control tool, making it much easier for developers to track file changes and maintain the history of code projects. Additionally, this integration will enhance team collaboration efficiency, enabling multiple users to edit files in a more secure and organized manner through version management.

Windows Clipboard AI Functionality — The Windows 11 PowerToys suite now supports an advanced clipboard feature that leverages OpenAI API keys to provide a more intelligent and powerful clipboard experience. This functionality is set to significantly improve users' ability to handle and manage information, transforming the clipboard from a simple paste tool into a potent aid for information retrieval, processing, and creation.

These updates represent Microsoft's ongoing innovation in AI, as well as its commitment to enhancing user experiences and productivity across various platforms and applications. The implications of these advancements are far-reaching and will undoubtedly shape the future of technology and human-computer interaction.


Microsoft Build 2024, AI Integration Highlights, AI Integration in Windows OS, Phi-3-vision Model, Real-time Translation in Edge Browser, Custom Emojis in Microsoft Teams, Snapdragon Dev Kit for Windows, File Explorer Integrated with Git, AI Features in Windows Clipboard, AI Applications in Daily Work