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Showing posts with label corporate governance structure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corporate governance structure. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Jiangsu Province's New ESG Evaluation Framework and Operational Guidelines: Key Steps to Enhance Corporate Sustainability

As companies increasingly focus on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles, Jiangsu Province has introduced the "Guidelines for ESG Evaluation of State-Owned Enterprises in Jiangsu Province" and the "ESG Value Accounting Report for Listed Holding Companies in Jiangsu Province". These documents provide clear frameworks and operational guidelines for ESG evaluation and value accounting, aiming to help companies better implement and showcase their ESG performance in practice.

ESG Evaluation Framework and Principles

The "Guidelines for ESG Evaluation of State-Owned Enterprises in Jiangsu Province" outlines the basic principles and evaluation indicators for ESG evaluation. These principles include:

  • Fairness: Ensuring a fair and objective evaluation process.
  • Transparency: Disclosing the evaluation process and results to enhance trust.
  • Comprehensiveness: Covering indicators across environmental, social, and governance aspects.

Main Evaluation Indicators:

  • Environmental: Resource use, pollution emissions, etc.
  • Social: Employee welfare, social contributions, etc.
  • Governance: Corporate governance structure, information disclosure, etc.

Operational Guidelines:

  1. Set Evaluation Objectives: Define specific ESG evaluation goals, such as improving corporate governance or enhancing social responsibility.
  2. Develop Evaluation Plan: Choose appropriate evaluation indicators, data collection methods, and evaluation cycles.
  3. Conduct Evaluation: Perform self-assessment according to the guidelines, and prepare relevant data.
  4. Third-Party Verification: Invite third-party organizations for independent verification to ensure objectivity.
  5. Improvement and Reporting: Make improvements based on evaluation results and prepare ESG reports for public disclosure.

ESG Value Accounting and Quantitative Analysis

The "ESG Value Accounting Report for Listed Holding Companies in Jiangsu Province" provides quantitative tools for measuring the environmental and social impacts of companies directly. These tools include:

  • Quantitative Indicators: Environmental impacts (e.g., carbon emissions, resource consumption) and social impacts (e.g., social investment, community impact).
  • Value Accounting: Revealing the company's contributions and potential risks in sustainable development through precise quantification.

Operational Guidelines:

  1. Identify Impact Factors: Determine the environmental and social impact factors to be quantified.
  2. Data Collection: Gather relevant data from various sources, such as energy usage reports and community feedback.
  3. Calculation and Analysis: Use accounting tools to calculate and analyze the company's environmental and social impacts.
  4. Report Preparation: Prepare quantitative analysis reports showcasing the company's actual contributions and risks in ESG.

3. Case Studies

Successful enterprise practices in Jiangsu Province demonstrate how to integrate ESG principles into corporate strategy and management. For example:

  • Jiangsu Transportation Holding: Utilizes the "Five Connections" social responsibility management system to integrate social responsibility into the company's mission and business processes. This system covers aspects such as culture, management, practice, platform, and assessment.
  • Zhongjiang International Group: Established the ESG "Three-Tier" management system, which covers governance, strategy, risk management, and indicators and goals. This system helps companies advance ESG sustainable development goals from top-level design to actual execution.

Operational Guidelines:

  1. Case Study Learning: Study and learn from the ESG practices of successful companies.
  2. Custom Application: Design an appropriate ESG management system based on the company’s actual situation.
  3. Continuous Improvement: Continuously optimize ESG practices based on operational conditions and external feedback.


Jiangsu Province's new ESG evaluation framework and quantitative tools provide systematic operational guidelines, helping companies make significant strides in implementing and showcasing their ESG performance. Companies should choose suitable paths based on industry characteristics and development stages, applying these guidelines flexibly to achieve sustainable development goals. These measures not only enhance corporate social responsibility but also strengthen market competitiveness and long-term development potential.

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