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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Digital Transformation Based on Talent Skills: Strategic Practices for Driving Corporate Innovation and Future Development

In the wave of modern digital transformation, how companies effectively respond to rapidly changing economic conditions and technological advancements is a crucial issue every organization must face. When German industrial giant Henkel began enhancing its workforce's skills, it identified 53,000 skills highly relevant to an increasingly digital economy. This discovery highlights the importance of reexamining and optimizing corporate talent strategies with a focus on skills in the context of digital transformation.

Challenges and Rewards of Skill-Based Transformation

Although skill-based talent development faces numerous challenges in implementation, the rewards for enterprises are profound. Many organizations struggle with identifying which skills they currently lack, how those skills drive business outcomes, and which retraining or upskilling programs to pursue. However, Henkel’s digital skills enhancement program provides a successful example.

According to Accenture’s case study, Henkel implemented a global digital skills upgrade program in collaboration with Accenture to improve employee capabilities, bridge the skills gap, and plan for future digital needs.

  1. Implementation and Results of the Learning Management System (LMS): In just 18 weeks, Henkel’s LMS went live, and employees participated in 272,000 training sessions, successfully completing 215,000 courses. This system not only significantly enhanced employees' professional skills but also optimized the recruitment process, reducing application time from 30 minutes to 60 seconds, with external applicants increasing by 40%. This demonstrates the enormous potential of digital tools in improving efficiency.

  2. Skill Management System with 53,000 Skills: Henkel introduced a cloud-based platform with a repository of 53,000 skills to help the company manage and track employees' skill levels. This system not only identifies current skills but can also predict emerging skills needed in the coming years. Career development and training needs are managed in real time, ensuring the company remains competitive in a rapidly changing market.

Strategic Advantages of Skill-Based Approaches

By placing skills at the core of talent management, companies can achieve more precise resource allocation and strategic deployment. Unilever created an internal talent marketplace that enabled employees to fully leverage their skills, saving 700,000 work hours and successfully contributing to approximately 3,000 projects. The company's productivity increased by over 40%. Such systematic analysis helps organizations create comprehensive skill catalogs and match skills with job roles, effectively identifying gaps for retraining, redistribution, or recruitment decisions.

Additionally, companies can not only identify current skill requirements but also forecast future critical skills through forward-looking predictions. For example, with the rapid development of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), traditional skills may gradually become obsolete, while the demand for skills like AI collaboration will rise sharply.

Forecasting and Planning Future Skills

As technological advancements accelerate, companies must continuously adjust their workforce planning to meet future skill demands. The wave of layoffs in the U.S. tech industry in 2023 highlighted the significant challenges global companies face in coping with technological change. Skill-based workforce planning offers enterprises a forward-looking solution. By collaborating with experts, many companies are now leveraging data prediction models to anticipate and plan for future skill needs. For instance, the demand for AI collaboration skills is expected to rise, while the need for traditional coding skills may decline.

Retraining and Upskilling: The Key to Future Challenges

To maximize the effectiveness of a skill-based approach, companies must focus on retraining and upskilling their workforce rather than relying solely on layoffs or hiring to solve problems. PepsiCo, for example, established an academy in 2022 to offer free digital skills training to its 300,000 employees. In its first year, over 11,000 employees earned certifications as data scientists and site reliability engineers. Similar retraining programs have become crucial tools for companies large and small to navigate technological changes.

Walmart, through partnerships with online education providers, offers free courses on data analytics, software development, and data-driven strategic thinking to 1.5 million employees. Amazon, through its "Upskilling 2025" initiative, provided educational and skill-training opportunities to 300,000 employees, ensuring they remain competitive in a future tech-driven market.

Prospects for Skill-Based Approaches

According to Accenture’s research, organizations that adopt skill-based strategies outperform others by twofold in talent placement effectiveness. Moreover, skill-based organizations are 57% better at forecasting and responding to market changes and have improved innovation capabilities by 52%. This not only helps companies optimize internal resource allocation but also leads to better performance in recruitment costs and employee retention.

In conclusion, skill-based management and planning enable companies to enhance both employee career development and their ability to navigate market changes and challenges. As companies continue along the path of digital transformation, only by building on a foundation of skills and continually driving retraining and skill enhancement will they remain competitive on the global stage.


Skill-based digital transformation is no longer an option but a key strategy that companies must master in the new era. By systematically cultivating and enhancing employees’ digital skills, companies can not only adapt to ever-changing market demands but also maintain a competitive edge in the global market. Future success will depend on how well companies manage and utilize their most valuable asset—talent.

Through data-driven decisions and systematic skill enhancement programs, businesses will be able to seize opportunities in an increasingly complex and volatile market, opening up more possibilities for innovation and growth.


Accenture-Henkel Case Study: "Setting up for skilling up: Henkel’s smart bet for innovation and growth from sustained upskilling efforts"

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