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Showing posts with label GPT. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Generative AI: The Strategic Cornerstone of Enterprise Competitive Advantage

Generative AI (Generative AI) technology architecture has transitioned from the back office to the boardroom, becoming a strategic cornerstone for enterprise competitive advantage. Traditional architectures cannot meet the current digital and interconnected business demands, especially the needs of generative AI. Hybrid design architectures offer flexibility, scalability, and security, supporting generative AI and other innovative technologies. Enterprise platforms are the next frontier, integrating data, model architecture, governance, and computing infrastructure to create value.

Core Concepts and Themes The Strategic Importance of Technology Architecture In the era of digital transformation, technology architecture is no longer just a concern for the IT department but a strategic asset for the entire enterprise. Technological capabilities directly impact enterprise competitiveness. As a cutting-edge technology, generative AI has become a significant part of enterprise strategic discussions

The Necessity of Hybrid Design
Facing complex IT environments and constantly changing business needs, hybrid design architecture offers flexibility and adaptability. This approach balances the advantages of on-premise and cloud environments, providing the best solutions for enterprises. Hybrid design architecture not only meets the high computational demands of generative AI but also ensures data security and privacy.

Impact of Generative AI Generative AI has a profound impact on technology architecture. Traditional architectures may limit AI's potential, while hybrid design architectures offer better support environments for AI. Generative AI excels in data processing and content generation and demonstrates strong capabilities in automation and real-time decision-making.

Importance of Enterprise Platforms Enterprise platforms are becoming the forefront of the next wave of technological innovation. These platforms integrate data management, model architecture, governance, and computing infrastructure, providing comprehensive support for generative AI applications, enhancing efficiency and innovation capabilities. Through platformization, enterprises can achieve optimal resource allocation and promote continuous business development.

Security and Governance While pursuing innovation, enterprises also need to focus on data security and compliance. Security measures, such as identity structure within hybrid design architectures, effectively protect data and ensure that enterprises comply with relevant regulations when using generative AI, safeguarding the interests of both enterprises and customers.

Significance and Value Generative AI not only represents technological progress but is also key to enhancing enterprise innovation and competitiveness. By adopting hybrid design architectures and advanced enterprise platforms, enterprises can:

  • Improve Operational Efficiency: Generative AI can automatically generate high-quality content and data analysis, significantly improving business process efficiency and accuracy.
  • Enhance Decision-Making Capabilities: Generative AI can process and analyze large volumes of data, helping enterprises make more informed and timely decisions.
  • Drive Innovation: Generative AI brings new opportunities for innovation in product development, marketing, and customer service, helping enterprises stand out in the competition.

Growth Potential As generative AI technology continues to mature and its application scenarios expand, its market prospects are broad. By investing in and adjusting their technological architecture, enterprises can fully tap into the potential of generative AI, achieving the following growth:

  • Expansion of Market Share: Generative AI can help enterprises develop differentiated products and services, attracting more customers and capturing a larger market share.
  • Cost Reduction: Automated and intelligent business processes can reduce labor costs and improve operational efficiency.
  • Improvement of Customer Experience: Generative AI can provide personalized and efficient customer service, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.


The introduction and application of generative AI are not only an inevitable trend of technological development but also key to enterprises achieving digital transformation and maintaining competitive advantage. Enterprises should actively adopt hybrid design architectures and advanced enterprise platforms to fully leverage the advantages of generative AI, laying a solid foundation for future business growth and innovation. In this process, attention should be paid to data security and compliance, ensuring steady progress in technological innovation.

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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Challenges and Opportunities in Generative AI Product Development: Analysis of Nine Major Gaps

Over the past three years, although the ecosystem of generative AI has thrived, it remains in its nascent stages. As the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT, Claude, Llama, Gemini, and Kimi continue to advance, and more product teams discover novel use cases, the complexities of scaling these models to production-quality emerge swiftly. This article explores the new product opportunities and experiences opened by the GPT-3.5 model since the release of ChatGPT in November 2022 and summarizes nine key gaps between these use cases and actual product expectations.

1. Ensuring Stable and Predictable Output

While the non-deterministic outputs of LLMs endow models with "human-like" and "creative" traits, this can lead to issues when interacting with other systems. For example, when an AI is tasked with summarizing a large volume of emails and presenting them in a mobile-friendly design, inconsistencies in LLM outputs may cause UI malfunctions. Mainstream AI models now support function calls and tools recall, allowing developers to specify desired outputs, but a unified technical approach or standardized interface is still lacking.

2. Searching for Answers in Structured Data Sources

LLMs are primarily trained on text data, making them inherently challenged by structured tables and NoSQL information. The models struggle to understand implicit relationships between records or may misinterpret non-existent relationships. Currently, a common practice is to use LLMs to construct and issue traditional database queries and then return the results to the LLM for summarization.

3. Understanding High-Value Data Sets with Unusual Structures

LLMs perform poorly on data types for which they have not been explicitly trained, such as medical imaging (ultrasound, X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs) and engineering blueprints (CAD files). Despite the high value of these data types, they are challenging for LLMs to process. However, recent advancements in handling static images, videos, and audio provide hope.

4. Translation Between LLMs and Other Systems

Effectively guiding LLMs to interpret questions and perform specific tasks based on the nature of user queries remains a challenge. Developers need to write custom code to parse LLM responses and route them to the appropriate systems. This requires standardized, structured answers to facilitate service integration and routing.

5. Interaction Between LLMs and Local Information

Users often expect LLMs to access external information or systems, rather than just answering questions from pre-trained knowledge bases. Developers need to create custom services to relay external content to LLMs and send responses back to users. Additionally, accurate storage of LLM-generated information in user-specified locations is required.

6. Validating LLMs in Production Systems

Although LLM-generated text is often impressive, it often falls short in meeting professional production tasks across many industries. Enterprises need to design feedback mechanisms to continually improve LLM performance based on user feedback and compare LLM-generated content with other sources to verify accuracy and reliability.

7. Understanding and Managing the Impact of Generated Content

The content generated by LLMs can have unforeseen impacts on users and society, particularly when dealing with sensitive information or social influence. Companies need to design mechanisms to manage these impacts, such as content filtering, moderation, and risk assessment, to ensure appropriateness and compliance.

8. Reliability and Quality Assessment of Cross-Domain Outputs

Assessing the reliability and quality of generative AI in cross-domain outputs is a significant challenge. Factors such as domain adaptability, consistency and accuracy of output content, and contextual understanding need to be considered. Establishing mechanisms for user feedback and adjustments, and collecting user evaluations to refine models, is currently a viable approach.

9. Continuous Self-Iteration and Updating

We anticipate that generative AI technology will continue to self-iterate and update based on usage and feedback. This involves not only improvements in algorithms and technology but also integration of data processing, user feedback, and adaptation to business needs. The current mainstream approach is regular updates and optimizations of models, incorporating the latest algorithms and technologies to enhance performance.


The nine major gaps in generative AI product development present both challenges and opportunities. With ongoing technological advancements and the accumulation of practical experience, we believe these gaps will gradually close. Developers, researchers, and businesses need to collaborate, innovate continuously, and fully leverage the potential of generative AI to create smarter, more valuable products and services. Maintaining an open and adaptable attitude, while continuously learning and adapting to new technologies, will be key to success in this rapidly evolving field.


Generative AI product development challenges, LLM output reliability and quality, cross-domain AI performance evaluation, structured data search with LLMs, handling high-value data sets in AI, integrating LLMs with other systems, validating AI in production environments, managing impact of AI-generated content, continuous AI model iteration, latest advancements in generative AI technology

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Thursday, August 22, 2024

How to Enhance Employee Experience and Business Efficiency with GenAI and Intelligent HR Assistants: A Comprehensive Guide

In modern enterprises, the introduction of intelligent HR assistants (iHRAs) has significantly transformed human resource management. These smart assistants provide employees with instant information and guidance through interactive Q&A, covering various aspects such as company policies, benefits, processes, knowledge, and communication. In this article, we explore the functions of intelligent HR assistants and their role in enhancing the efficiency of administrative and human resource tasks.

Functions of Intelligent HR Assistants

  1. Instant Information Query
    Intelligent HR assistants can instantly answer employee queries regarding company rules, benefits, processes, and more. For example, employees can ask about leave policies, salary structure, health benefits, etc., and the HR assistant will provide accurate answers based on a pre-programmed knowledge base. This immediate response not only improves employee efficiency but also reduces the workload of the HR department.

  2. Personalized Guidance
    By analyzing employee queries and behavior data, intelligent HR assistants can provide personalized guidance. For instance, new hires often have many questions about company processes and culture. HR assistants can offer customized information based on the employee's role and needs, helping them integrate more quickly into the company environment.

  3. Automation of Administrative Tasks
    Intelligent HR assistants can not only provide information but also perform simple administrative tasks such as scheduling meetings, sending reminders, processing leave requests, and more. These features greatly simplify daily administrative processes, allowing HR teams to focus on more strategic and important work.

  4. Continuously Updated Knowledge Base
    At the core of intelligent HR assistants is a continuously updated knowledge base that contains all relevant company policies, processes, and information. This knowledge base can be integrated with HR systems for real-time updates, ensuring that the information provided to employees is always current and accurate.

Advantages of Intelligent HR Assistants

  1. Enhancing Employee Experience
    By providing quick and accurate responses, intelligent HR assistants enhance the employee experience. Employees no longer need to wait for HR department replies; they can access the information they need at any time, which is extremely convenient in daily work.

  2. Improving Work Efficiency
    Intelligent HR assistants automate many repetitive tasks, freeing up time and energy for HR teams to focus on more strategic projects such as talent management and organizational development.

  3. Data-Driven Decision Support
    By collecting and analyzing employee interaction data, companies can gain deep insights into employee needs and concerns. This data can support decision-making, helping companies optimize HR policies and processes.

The introduction of intelligent HR assistants not only simplifies human resource management processes but also enhances the employee experience. With features like instant information queries, personalized guidance, and automation of administrative tasks, HR departments can operate more efficiently. As technology advances, intelligent HR assistants will become increasingly intelligent and comprehensive, providing even better services and support to businesses.


GenAI for HR management, intelligent HR assistants, employee experience improvement, automation of HR tasks, personalized HR guidance, real-time information query, continuous knowledge base updates, HR efficiency enhancement, data-driven HR decisions, employee onboarding optimization

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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Create Your First App with Replit's AI Copilot

With rapid technological advancements, programming is no longer exclusive to professional developers. Now, even beginners and non-coders can easily create applications using Replit's built-in AI Copilot. This article will guide you through how to quickly develop a fully functional app using Replit and its AI Copilot, and explore the potential of this technology now and in the future.

1. Introduction to AI Copilot

The AI Copilot is a significant application of artificial intelligence technology, especially in the field of programming. Traditionally, programming required extensive learning and practice, which could be daunting for beginners. The advent of AI Copilot changes the game by understanding natural language descriptions and generating corresponding code. This means that you can describe your needs in everyday language, and the AI Copilot will write the code for you, significantly lowering the barrier to entry for programming.

2. Overview of the Replit Platform

Replit is an integrated development environment (IDE) that supports multiple programming languages and offers a wealth of features, such as code editing, debugging, running, and hosting. More importantly, Replit integrates an AI Copilot, simplifying and streamlining the programming process. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, Replit provides a comprehensive development platform.

3. Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your App

1. Create a Project

Creating a new project in Replit is very straightforward. First, register an account or log in to an existing one, then click the "Create New Repl" button. Choose the programming language and template you want to use, enter a project name, and click "Create Repl" to start your programming journey.

2. Generate Code with AI Copilot

After creating the project, you can use the AI Copilot to generate code by entering a natural language description. For example, you can type "Create a webpage that displays 'Hello, World!'", and the AI Copilot will generate the corresponding HTML and JavaScript code. This process is not only fast but also very intuitive, making it suitable for people with no programming background.

3. Run the Code

Once the code is generated, you can run it directly in Replit. By clicking the "Run" button, Replit will display your application in a built-in terminal or browser window. This seamless process allows you to see the actual effect of your code without leaving the platform.

4. Understand and Edit the Code

The AI Copilot can not only generate code but also help you understand its functionality. You can select a piece of code and ask the AI Copilot what it does, and it will provide detailed explanations. Additionally, you can ask the AI Copilot to help modify the code, such as optimizing a function or adding new features.

4. Potential and Future Development of AI Copilot

The application of AI Copilot is not limited to programming. As technology continues to advance, AI Copilot has broad potential in fields such as education, design, and data analysis. For programming, AI Copilot can not only help beginners quickly get started but also improve the efficiency of experienced developers, allowing them to focus more on creative and high-value work.


Replit's AI Copilot offers a powerful tool for beginners and non-programmers, making it easier for them to enter the world of programming. Through this platform, you can not only quickly create and run applications but also gain a deeper understanding of how the code works. In the future, as AI technology continues to evolve, we can expect more similar tools to emerge, further lowering technical barriers and promoting the dissemination and development of technology.

Whether you're looking to quickly create an application or learn programming fundamentals, Replit's AI Copilot is a tool worth exploring. We hope this article helps you better understand and utilize this technology to achieve your programming aspirations.


Replit AI Copilot tutorial, beginner programming with AI, create apps with Replit, AI-powered coding assistant, Replit IDE features, how to code without experience, AI Copilot benefits, programming made easy with AI, Replit app development guide, Replit for non-coders.

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Monday, August 19, 2024

Implementing Automated Business Operations through API Access and No-Code Tools

In modern enterprises, automated business operations have become a key means to enhance efficiency and competitiveness. By utilizing API access for coding or employing no-code tools to build automated tasks for specific business scenarios, organizations can significantly improve work efficiency and create new growth opportunities. These special-purpose agents for automated tasks enable businesses to move beyond reliance on standalone software, freeing up human resources through automated processes and achieving true digital transformation.

1. Current Status and Prospects of Automated Business Operations

Automated business operations leverage GenAI (Generative Artificial Intelligence) and related tools (such as Zapier and Make) to automate a variety of complex tasks. For example, financial transaction records and support ticket management can be automatically generated and processed through these tools, greatly reducing manual operation time and potential errors. This not only enhances work efficiency but also improves data processing accuracy and consistency.

2. AI-Driven Command Center

Our practice demonstrates that by transforming the Slack workspace into an AI-driven command center, companies can achieve highly integrated workflow automation. Tasks such as automatically uploading YouTube videos, transcribing and rewriting scripts, generating meeting minutes, and converting them into project management documents, all conforming to PMI standards, can be fully automated. This comprehensive automation reduces tedious manual operations and enhances overall operational efficiency.

3. Automation in Creativity and Order Processing

Automation is not only applicable to standard business processes but can also extend to creativity and order processing. By building systems for automated artwork creation, order processing, and brainstorming session documentation, companies can achieve scale expansion without increasing headcount. These systems can boost the efficiency of existing teams by 2-3 times, enabling businesses to complete tasks faster and with higher quality.

4. Managing AI Agents

It is noteworthy that automation systems not only enhance employee work efficiency but also elevate their skill levels. By using these intelligent agents, employees can shed repetitive tasks and focus on more strategic work. This shift is akin to all employees being promoted to managerial roles; however, they are managing AI agents instead of people.

Automated business operations, through the combination of GenAI and no-code tools, offer unprecedented growth potential for enterprises. These tools allow companies to significantly enhance efficiency and productivity, achieving true digital transformation. In the future, as technology continues to develop and improve, automated business operations will become a crucial component of business competitiveness. Therefore, any company looking to stand out in a competitive market should actively explore and apply these innovative technologies to achieve sustainable development and growth.


AI cloud computing service, API access for automation, no-code tools for business, automated business operations, Generative AI applications, AI-driven command center, workflow automation, financial transaction automation, support ticket management, automated creativity processes, intelligent agents management

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Saturday, August 17, 2024

How Enterprises Can Build Agentic AI: A Guide to the Seven Essential Resources and Skills

After reading the Cohere team's insights on "Discover the seven essential resources and skills companies need to build AI agents and tap into the next frontier of generative AI," I have some reflections and summaries to share, combined with the industrial practices of the HaxiTAG team.

  1. Overview and Insights

In the discussion on how enterprises can build autonomous AI agents (Agentic AI), Neel Gokhale and Matthew Koscak's insights primarily focus on how companies can leverage the potential of Agentic AI. The core of Agentic AI lies in using generative AI to interact with tools, creating and running autonomous, multi-step workflows. It goes beyond traditional question-answering capabilities by performing complex tasks and taking actions based on guided and informed reasoning. Therefore, it offers new opportunities for enterprises to improve efficiency and free up human resources.

  1. Problems Solved

Agentic AI addresses several issues in enterprise-level generative AI applications by extending the capabilities of retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) systems. These include improving the accuracy and efficiency of enterprise-grade AI systems, reducing human intervention, and tackling the challenges posed by complex tasks and multi-step workflows.

  1. Solutions and Core Methods

The key steps and strategies for building an Agentic AI system include:

  • Orchestration: Ensuring that the tools and processes within the AI system are coordinated effectively. The use of state machines is one effective orchestration method, helping the AI system understand context, respond to triggers, and select appropriate resources to execute tasks.

  • Guardrails: Setting boundaries for AI actions to prevent uncontrolled autonomous decisions. Advanced LLMs (such as the Command R models) are used to achieve transparency and traceability, combined with human oversight to ensure the rationality of complex decisions.

  • Knowledgeable Teams: Ensuring that the team has the necessary technical knowledge and experience or supplementing these through training and hiring to support the development and management of Agentic AI.

  • Enterprise-grade LLMs: Utilizing LLMs specifically trained for multi-step tool use, such as Cohere Command R+, to ensure the execution of complex tasks and the ability to self-correct.

  • Tool Architecture: Defining the various tools used in the system and their interactions with external systems, and clarifying the architecture and functional parameters of the tools.

  • Evaluation: Conducting multi-faceted evaluations of the generative language models, overall architecture, and deployment platform to ensure system performance and scalability.

  • Moving to Production: Extensive testing and validation to ensure the system's stability and resource availability in a production environment to support actual business needs.

  1. Beginner's Practice Guide

Newcomers to building Agentic AI systems can follow these steps:

  • Start by learning the basics of generative AI and RAG system principles, and understand the working mechanisms of state machines and LLMs.
  • Gradually build simple workflows, using state machines for orchestration, ensuring system transparency and traceability as complexity increases.
  • Introduce guardrails, particularly human oversight mechanisms, to control system autonomy in the early stages.
  • Continuously evaluate system performance, using small-scale test cases to verify functionality, and gradually expand.
  1. Limitations and Constraints

The main limitations faced when building Agentic AI systems include:

  • Resource Constraints: Large-scale Agentic AI systems require substantial computing resources and data processing capabilities. Scalability must be fully considered when moving into production.
  • Transparency and Control: Ensuring that the system's decision-making process is transparent and traceable, and that human intervention is possible when necessary to avoid potential risks.
  • Team Skills and Culture: The team must have extensive AI knowledge and skills, and the corporate culture must support the application and innovation of AI technology.
  1. Summary and Business Applications

The core of Agentic AI lies in automating multi-step workflows to reduce human intervention and increase efficiency. Enterprises should prepare in terms of infrastructure, personnel skills, tool architecture, and system evaluation to effectively build and deploy Agentic AI systems. Although the technology is still evolving, Agentic AI will increasingly be used for complex tasks over time, creating more value for businesses.

HaxiTAG is your best partner in developing Agentic AI applications. With extensive practical experience and numerous industry cases, we focus on providing efficient, agile, and high-quality Agentic AI solutions for various scenarios. By partnering with HaxiTAG, enterprises can significantly enhance the return on investment of their Agentic AI projects, accelerating the transition from concept to production, thereby building sustained competitive advantage and ensuring a leading position in the rapidly evolving AI field.

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Thursday, August 15, 2024

Enhancing Daily Work Efficiency with Artificial Intelligence: A Comprehensive Analysis from Record Keeping to Automation

In today’s work environment, efficiently managing daily tasks and achieving work automation are major concerns for many businesses and individuals. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, we have the opportunity to integrate daily work records with AI to create Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), further optimize workflows through customized GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) applications, and realize efficient work automation. This article will explore in detail how to use AI to record daily work, create SOPs, build customized GPT models, and implement efficient work automation using tools like, Zapier, and OpenAI.

Using Artificial Intelligence to Record Daily Work

Artificial intelligence has shown tremendous potential in recording daily work. Traditional work records often require manual input, which is time-consuming and prone to errors. However, with AI technology, we can automate the recording process. For instance, using Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology, AI can extract key information from meeting notes, emails, and other textual data to automatically generate detailed work records. This automation not only saves time but also improves the accuracy of the data.

Creating Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) from Records

Once we have accurate work records, the next step is to convert these records into Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). SOPs are crucial tools for ensuring consistency and efficiency in workflows. By leveraging AI technology, we can analyze data patterns and processes from work records and automatically generate SOP documents. AI can identify key steps and best practices in tasks, systematizing this information to help standardize operational processes. This process not only enhances the efficiency of SOP creation but also improves its relevance and practicality.

Building Custom GPT Models Using SOPs

After creating SOPs, we can use these SOPs to build customized GPT models. GPT models, trained on extensive textual data, can generate content that meets specific needs. By using SOPs as training data, we can tailor GPT to produce guidance documents or work recommendations consistent with particular procedures. Customized GPTs can thus automatically generate standardized operational guides and adjust in real-time according to actual needs, thereby enhancing work efficiency and accuracy.

Using GPT Applications to Generate Workflows Collaboratively

With custom GPT models built, the next step is to use GPT applications to collaboratively generate workflows. GPT can be integrated into workflow management tools to automatically generate and optimize workflow elements. For example, GPT can automatically create task assignments, progress tracking, and outcome evaluations based on SOPs. This process makes workflows more automated and efficient, reducing the need for manual intervention and improving overall work efficiency.

Tool Integration:, Zapier, and OpenAI

To achieve these goals, we can integrate tools like, Zapier, and OpenAI. helps record and transcribe meeting content, converting it into structured data. Zapier, as a powerful automation tool, can connect various applications and services to automate task execution. For instance, Zapier can transform recorded meeting content into task lists and trigger corresponding actions. OpenAI provides advanced GPT technology, offering robust Natural Language Processing capabilities to help generate and optimize work content.

Implementation Cases and Challenges

Real-world cases provide valuable lessons in implementing these technologies. For example, some companies have started using AI to record work and generate SOPs, optimizing workflows through GPT models, thus significantly improving work efficiency. However, challenges such as data privacy issues and technical integration complexity may arise. Companies need to carefully consider these challenges and take appropriate measures, such as strengthening data security and simplifying integration processes.


Utilizing artificial intelligence to record daily work, create SOPs, build customized GPT models, and achieve workflow automation can significantly enhance work efficiency and accuracy. Through the integration of tools like, Zapier, and OpenAI, we can realize efficient work automation and optimize workflows. However, successful implementation of these technologies requires a thorough understanding of technical details and addressing challenges effectively. Overall, AI provides powerful support for modern work environments, helping us better manage the complexity and changes of daily work.

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Thursday, August 8, 2024

Efficiently Creating Structured Content with ChatGPT Voice Prompts

In today's fast-paced digital world, utilizing advanced technological methods to improve content creation efficiency has become crucial. ChatGPT's voice prompt feature offers us a convenient way to convert unstructured voice notes into structured content, allowing for quick and intuitive content creation on mobile devices or away from a computer. This article will detail how to efficiently create structured content using ChatGPT voice prompts and demonstrate its applications through examples.

Converting Unstructured Voice Notes to Structured Content

ChatGPT's voice prompt feature can convert spoken content into text and further structure it for easy publishing and sharing. The specific steps are as follows:

  1. Creating Twitter/X Threads

    • Voice Creation: Use ChatGPT's voice prompt feature to dictate the content of the tweets you want to publish. The voice recognition system will convert the spoken content into text and structure it using natural language processing technology.
    • Editing Tweets: After the initial content generation, you can continue to modify and edit it using voice commands to ensure that each tweet is accurate, concise, and meets publishing requirements.
  2. Creating Blog Posts

    • Voice Generation: Dictate the complete content of a blog post using ChatGPT, which will convert it into text and organize it according to blog structure requirements, including titles, paragraphs, and subheadings.
    • Content Refinement: Voice commands can be used to adjust the content, add or delete paragraphs, ensuring logical coherence and fluent language.
  3. Publishing LinkedIn Posts

    • Voice Dictation: For the professional social platform LinkedIn, use the voice prompt feature to create attractive post content. Dictate professional insights, project results, or industry news to quickly generate posts.
    • Multiple Edits: Use voice commands to edit multiple times until the post content reaches the desired effect.

Advantages of ChatGPT Voice Prompts

  1. Efficiency and Speed: Voice input is faster than traditional keyboard input, especially suitable for scenarios requiring quick responses, such as meeting notes and instant reports.
  2. Ease of Use: The voice prompt feature is simple to use, with no complex operational procedures, allowing users to express their ideas naturally and fluently.
  3. Productivity Enhancement: It reduces the time spent on typing and formatting, allowing more focus on content creation and quality improvement.

Technical Research and Development

ChatGPT's voice prompt feature relies on advanced voice recognition technology and natural language processing algorithms. Voice recognition technology efficiently and accurately converts voice signals into text, while natural language processing algorithms are responsible for semantic understanding and structuring the generated text. The continuous progress in these technologies makes the voice prompt feature increasingly intelligent and practical.

Application Scenarios

  1. Social Media Management: Quickly generate and publish social media content through voice commands, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of social media marketing.
  2. Content Creation: Suitable for various content creators, including bloggers, writers, and journalists, by generating initial drafts through voice, reducing typing time, and improving creation efficiency.
  3. Professional Networking: On professional platforms like LinkedIn, create high-quality professional posts using voice, showcasing a professional image and increasing workplace exposure.

Business and Technology Growth

With the continuous advancement of voice recognition and natural language processing technologies, the application scope and effectiveness of ChatGPT's voice prompt feature will further expand. Enterprises can utilize this technology to enhance internal communication efficiency, optimize content creation processes, and gain a competitive edge in the market. Additionally, with the increasing demand for efficient content creation, the potential for voice prompt features in both personal and commercial applications is significant.


ChatGPT's voice prompt feature provides an efficient and intuitive method for content creation by converting unstructured voice notes into structured content, significantly enhancing content creation efficiency and quality. Whether for social media management, blog post creation, or professional platform content publishing, the voice prompt feature demonstrates its powerful application value. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect more innovation and possibilities from this feature in the future.


ChatGPT voice prompts, structured content creation, efficient content creation, unstructured voice notes, voice recognition technology, natural language processing, social media content generation, professional networking posts, content creation efficiency, business technology growth

Friday, August 2, 2024

Enterprise Brain and RAG Model at the 2024 WAIC:WPS AI,Office document software

The 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC), held from July 4 to 7 at the Shanghai World Expo Center, attracted numerous AI companies showcasing their latest technologies and applications. Among these, applications based on Large Language Models (LLM) and Generative AI (GenAI) were particularly highlighted. This article focuses on the Enterprise Brain (WPS AI) exhibited by Kingsoft Office at the conference and the underlying Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) model, analyzing its significance, value, and growth potential in enterprise applications.

WPS AI: Functions and Value of the Enterprise Brain

Kingsoft Office had already launched its AI document products a few years ago. At this WAIC, the WPS AI, targeting enterprise users, aims to enhance work efficiency through the Enterprise Brain. The core of the Enterprise Brain is to integrate all documents related to products, business, and operations within an enterprise, utilizing the capabilities of large models to facilitate employee knowledge Q&A. This functionality significantly simplifies the information retrieval process, thereby improving work efficiency.

Traditional document retrieval often requires employees to search for relevant materials in the company’s cloud storage and then extract the needed information from numerous documents. The Enterprise Brain allows employees to directly get answers through text interactions, saving considerable time and effort. This solution not only boosts work efficiency but also enhances the employee work experience.

RAG Model: Enhancing the Accuracy of Generated Content

The technical model behind WPS AI is similar to the RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) model. The RAG model combines retrieval and generation techniques, generating answers or content by referencing information from external knowledge bases, thus offering strong interpretability and customization capabilities. The working principle of the RAG model is divided into the retrieval layer and the generation layer:

  1. Retrieval Layer: After the user inputs information, the retrieval layer neural network generates a retrieval request and submits it to the database, which outputs retrieval results based on the request.
  2. Generation Layer: The retrieval results from the retrieval layer, combined with the user’s input information, are fed into the large language model (LLM) to generate the final result.

This model effectively addresses the issue of model hallucination, where the model provides inaccurate or nonsensical answers. WPS AI ensures content credibility by displaying the original document sources in the model’s responses. If the model references a document, the content is likely credible; otherwise, the accuracy needs further verification. Additionally, employees can click on the referenced documents for more detailed information, enhancing the transparency and trustworthiness of the answers.

Industry Applications and Growth Potential

The application of the WPS AI enterprise edition in the financial and insurance sectors showcases its vast potential. Insurance products are diverse, and their terms frequently change, necessitating timely information for both internal staff and external clients. Traditionally, maintaining a Q&A knowledge base manually is inefficient, but AI digital employees based on large models can significantly reduce maintenance costs and improve efficiency. Currently, the application in the insurance field is still in the co-creation stage, but its prospects are promising.

Furthermore, WPS AI also offers basic capabilities such as content expansion, content formatting, and content extraction, which are highly practical for enterprise users.

The WPS AI showcased at the 2024 WAIC demonstrated the immense potential of the Enterprise Brain in enhancing work efficiency and information retrieval within enterprises. By leveraging the RAG model, WPS AI not only solves the problem of model hallucination but also enhances the credibility and transparency of the content. As technology continues to evolve, the application scenarios of AI based on large models in enterprises will become increasingly widespread, with considerable value and growth potential.

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Enterprise Brain applications, RAG model benefits, WPS AI capabilities, AI in insurance sector, enhancing work efficiency with AI, large language models in enterprise, generative AI applications, AI-powered knowledge retrieval, WAIC 2024 highlights, Kingsoft Office AI solutions

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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Leveraging Generative AI to Boost Work Efficiency and Creativity

In the modern workplace, the application of Generative AI has rapidly become a crucial tool for enhancing work efficiency and creativity. By utilizing Generative AIs such as ChatGPT, Claude, or Gemini, we can more effectively gather the inspiration needed for our work, break through mental barriers, and optimize our writing and editing processes, thereby achieving greater results with less effort. Here are some practical methods and examples to help you better leverage Generative AI to improve your work performance.

Generative AI Aiding in Inspiration Collection and Expansion

When we need to gather inspiration in the workplace, Generative AI can provide a variety of creative ideas through conversation, helping us quickly filter out promising concepts. For example, if an author is experiencing writer’s block while creating a business management book, they can use ChatGPT to ask questions like, “Suppose the protagonist, Amy, is a product manager in the consumer finance industry, and she needs to develop a new financial product for the family market. Given the global developments, what might be the first challenge she faces in the Asian family finance market?” Such dialogues can offer innovative ideas from different perspectives, helping the author overcome creative blocks.

Optimizing the Writing and Editing Process

Generative AI can provide more than just inspiration; it can also assist in the writing and editing process. For instance, you can post the initial draft of a press release or product copy on ChatGPT’s interface and request modifications or enhancements for specific sections. This not only improves the professionalism and fluency of the article but also saves a significant amount of time.

For example, a blogger who has written a technical article can ask ChatGPT, Gemini, or Claude to review the article and provide specific suggestions, such as adding more examples or adjusting the tone and wording to resonate better with readers.

Market Research and Competitor Analysis

Generative AI is also a valuable tool for those needing to conduct market research. We can consult ChatGPT and similar AI tools about market trends, competitor analysis, and consumer needs, then use the generated information to develop strategies that better meet market demands.

For instance, a small and medium-sized enterprise in Hsinchu is planning to launch a new consumer information product but struggles to gauge market reactions. In this case, the company’s product manager, Peter, can use Generative AI to obtain market intelligence and perform competitor analysis, helping to formulate a more precise market strategy.

Rapid Content Generation

Generative AI excels in quickly generating content. Many people have started using ChatGPT to swiftly create articles, reports, or social media posts. With just minor adjustments and personalization, these generated contents can meet specific needs.

For example, in an AI copywriting course I conducted, a friend who is a social media manager needed to create a large number of posts in a short time to promote a new product. I suggested using ChatGPT to generate initial content, then adjusting it according to the company’s brand style. This approach indeed saved the company a considerable amount of time and effort.

Creating an Inspiration Database

In addition to collecting immediate inspiration, we can also create our own inspiration database. By saving the excellent ideas and concepts generated by Generative AI into commonly used note-taking software (such as Notion, Evernote, or Capacities), we can build an inspiration database. Regularly reviewing and organizing this database allows us to retrieve inspiration as needed, further enhancing our work efficiency.

For example, those who enjoy literary creation can record the good ideas generated from each conversation with ChatGPT, forming an inspiration database. When facing writer’s block, they can refer to these inspirations to gain new creative momentum.

By effectively using Generative AI to gather, organize, and filter information, and then synthesizing and summarizing it to provide actionable insights, different professional roles can significantly improve their work efficiency. This approach is not only a highly efficient work method but also an innovative mindset that helps us stand out in the competitive job market.


Generative AI for workplace efficiency, boosting creativity with AI, AI-driven inspiration gathering, using ChatGPT for ideas, AI in writing and editing, market research with AI, competitor analysis with AI tools, rapid content creation with AI, building an inspiration database, enhancing work performance with Generative AI.

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Friday, July 26, 2024

AI Empowering Venture Capital: Best Practices for LLM and GenAI Applications

In the field of venture capital, artificial intelligence (AI), especially generative AI (GenAI) and large language models (LLMs), is gradually transforming the industry landscape. These technologies not only enhance the efficiency of investment decisions but also play a significant role in daily operations and portfolio management. This article explores the best practices for applying LLM and GenAI in venture capital firms, highlighting their creativity and value.

The Role of AI in Venture Capital

Enhancing Decision-Making Efficiency

The introduction of AI has significantly improved the efficiency of venture capital decision-making. For instance, Two Meter Capital utilizes generative AI to handle most of its daily portfolio management tasks. This approach reduces the dependence on a large number of analysts, allowing the company to manage a vast portfolio with fewer human resources, thus optimizing workforce allocation.

Data-Driven Investment Strategies

Venture capital firms such as Correlation Ventures, 645 Ventures, and Fly Ventures have long been using data and AI to assist in investment decisions. Point72 Ventures employs AI models to analyze both internal and public data, identifying promising investment opportunities. These data-driven strategies not only increase the success rate of investments but also more accurately predict the future prospects of companies.

Advantages of the Copilot Model

Complementary Strengths of AI and Humans

In the Copilot model, AI systems and humans jointly undertake tasks, each leveraging their strengths to form a complementary partnership. For example, AI can quickly process and analyze large amounts of data, while humans can use their experience and intuition to make final decisions. Bain Capital Ventures identifies promising companies through machine learning models and makes timely investments, significantly improving investment efficiency and accuracy.

Automated Operations and Analysis

AI plays a crucial role not only in investment decisions but also in daily operations. Automated back-office systems can handle tasks such as human resources, administration, and financial reporting, allowing the back office to reduce its size by more than 50%, thereby saving costs and enhancing operational efficiency.

Specific Case Studies

Two Meter Capital

At its inception, Two Meter Capital hired only a core team and utilized generative AI to handle daily portfolio management tasks. This approach enabled the company to efficiently manage a vast portfolio of over 190 companies with a smaller staff.

Bain Capital Ventures

Bain Capital Ventures, focusing on fintech and application software, identifies high-growth potential startups through machine learning models and makes timely investments. This approach helps the firm discover promising companies outside traditional tech hubs, thereby increasing investment success rates.

Outlook and Conclusion

AI, particularly generative AI and large language models, is profoundly transforming the venture capital industry. From enhancing decision-making efficiency to optimizing daily operations, these technologies bring unprecedented creativity and value to venture capital firms. In the future, as AI technology continues to develop and be applied, we can expect more innovation and transformation in the venture capital industry.

In conclusion, venture capital firms should actively embrace AI technology, utilizing data-driven investment strategies and automated operational models to enhance competitiveness and achieve sustainable development.


AI in venture capital, GenAI for investment, LLM applications in VC, venture capital efficiency, AI decision-making in VC, generative AI portfolio management, data-driven investment strategies, Copilot model in VC, AI-human collaboration in VC, automated operations in venture capital, Two Meter Capital AI use, Bain Capital Ventures AI, fintech AI investments, machine learning in VC, AI optimizing workforce, venture capital automation, AI-driven investment decisions, AI-powered portfolio management, Point72 Ventures AI, AI transforming VC industry

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Saturday, July 20, 2024

Identifying the True Competitive Advantage of Generative AI Co-Pilots

In the context of the widespread application of generative AI, many organizations are experimenting with this technology in an attempt to gain a competitive edge. However, most of these initiatives have not yielded the desired results. This article will explore how to correctly utilize generative AI co-pilot tools to achieve a genuine competitive advantage in specific fields.

Current Application of Generative AI in Organizations

Generative AI has attracted significant interest from enterprises due to its ease of use and broad application prospects. For example, a bank purchased tens of thousands of GitHub Copilot licenses but has made slow progress due to a lack of understanding of how to collaborate with this technology. Similarly, many companies have tried to integrate generative AI into their customer service capabilities, but since customer service is not a core business function for most companies, these efforts have not created a significant competitive advantage.

Pathways to Achieving Competitive Advantage

To achieve a competitive advantage, companies first need to understand the three roles of generative AI users: "acceptors," "shapers," and "makers." Since the maker approach is too costly for most companies, they should focus on the sweet spot of improving productivity with off-the-shelf models (acceptors) while developing their own applications (shapers).

The near-term value of generative AI is largely related to its ability to help people perform their current tasks better. For example, generative AI tools can act as co-pilots, working alongside employees to create initial code blocks or draft requests for new parts for field maintenance workers to review and submit. Companies should focus on areas where co-pilot technology can have the greatest impact on their priority projects.

Examples and Application Areas of Co-Pilots

Some industrial companies have identified maintenance as a critical area of their business. Reviewing maintenance reports and spending time with frontline workers can help determine where AI co-pilots can make a significant impact, such as quickly and early identifying equipment failures. Generative AI co-pilots can also help identify the root causes of truck failures and recommend solutions faster than usual, while serving as a continuous source of best practices or standard operating procedures.

Challenges and Solutions

The main challenge of generative AI co-pilots lies in how to generate revenue from productivity gains. For example, in the case of a customer service center, companies can achieve real financial benefits by stopping new hiring and utilizing natural attrition. Therefore, defining a plan to generate revenue from productivity gains from the outset is crucial for capturing value.

Generative AI co-pilot tools can significantly improve productivity in specific fields, but to achieve a true competitive advantage, companies need to clearly define their application scenarios and develop corresponding revenue plans. By effectively utilizing generative AI, companies can create unique competitive advantages in key business areas.


Generative AI co-pilots, AI competitive advantage, AI in customer service, GitHub Copilot integration, productivity gains with AI, AI in maintenance, generative AI applications, AI tool adoption strategies, business productivity improvement, revenue generation from AI

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

2024 WAIC: Innovations in the Dolphin-AI Problem-Solving Assistant

The 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) was held at the Shanghai World Expo Center from July 4 to 7. This event showcased numerous applications based on large language models (LLM) and generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), attracting AI companies and professionals from around the globe. This article focuses on one particularly noteworthy educational product: the Dolphin-AI Problem-Solving Assistant. We will explore its application in mathematics education, its significance, and its growth potential.

Introduction to the Dolphin-AI Problem-Solving Assistant

The Dolphin-AI Problem-Solving Assistant is a mathematics tool designed specifically for students. It leverages the powerful computational capabilities of large models to break down complex math problems into multiple sub-problems, guiding users step by step to the solution. The product aims to help students better understand and master the problem-solving process by refining the steps involved.

Product Experience and Function Analysis

At the WAIC exhibition hall, I engaged in an in-depth conversation with the business personnel from Dolphin Education and experienced the product firsthand. Here is a summary of the product’s main features and my experience:

  1. Problem-Solving Step Breakdown: The Dolphin-AI Problem-Solving Assistant can decompose a complex math problem into several sub-problems, each corresponding to a step in the solution process. This breakdown helps students gradually understand the logical structure and solution methods of the problem.

  2. User Guidance: After users answer each sub-problem, the model evaluates the response's correctness and provides further guidance as needed. The entire guidance process is smooth, with no significant errors observed.

  3. Error Recognition and Handling: Although the model performs well in most cases, it occasionally makes errors in recognizing user responses. To address these errors, the model adjusts accordingly and introduces human intervention when necessary.

Addressing Model Hallucinations

During my discussion with the Dolphin Education staff, we covered the issue of model hallucinations (i.e., AI generating incorrect or inaccurate answers). Key points include:

  1. Hallucination Probability: According to the staff, the probability of model hallucinations is approximately 2%. Despite the low percentage, attention and management are still required in actual use.

  2. Human Intervention: To counteract model hallucinations, Dolphin Education has implemented a mechanism for human intervention. When the model cannot accurately guide the user, human intervention can promptly correct errors, ensuring users receive the correct steps and answers.

  3. Parental Role: The product is not only suitable for students but can also help parents understand problem-solving steps, enabling them to better tutor their children. This dual application enhances the product’s practicality and reach.

Future Development and Potential

The Dolphin-AI Problem-Solving Assistant demonstrates significant innovation and application potential in mathematics education. With the continuous advancement of large models and generative AI technology, similar products are expected to be widely applied in more subjects and educational scenarios. Key points for future development include:

  1. Technical Optimization: Further optimize the model’s recognition and guidance capabilities to reduce the occurrence of model hallucinations and enhance user experience.

  2. Multidisciplinary Expansion: Extend the product’s application to other subjects such as physics and chemistry, providing comprehensive academic support for students.

  3. Personalized Learning: Utilize big data analysis and personalized recommendations to create individualized learning paths and problem-solving strategies for different students.

The demonstration of the Dolphin-AI Problem-Solving Assistant at the 2024 WAIC highlights the immense potential of large models and generative AI in the education sector. By refining problem-solving steps, providing accurate guidance, and incorporating human intervention, this product effectively helps students understand and solve math problems. As technology continues to evolve, the Dolphin-AI Problem-Solving Assistant and similar products will play a larger role in the education sector, driving the innovation and progress of educational methods.


Dolphin-AI Problem-Solving Assistant, LLM in education, GenAI in education, AI math tutor, mathematics education innovation, AI-driven education tools, WAIC 2024 highlights, AI in student learning, large models in education, AI model hallucinations, personalized learning with AI, multidisciplinary AI applications, human intervention in AI, AI in educational technology, future of AI in education

The Growing Skills Gap and Its Implications for Businesses

The McKinsey report on corporate executives reveals a pressing skills gap that is expected to worsen over time. The survey of C-level executives across five countries highlights significant challenges related to skills mismatches, particularly in technology, higher cognitive, social, and emotional skills. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the skills gap, its significance, value, and potential growth opportunities for businesses.

Current Skills Shortages

According to the survey, one-third of over 1,100 respondents reported deficits in key areas, including advanced IT skills, programming, advanced data analysis, and mathematical skills. Additionally, critical thinking, problem structuring, and complex information processing are notably lacking among workers. Approximately 40% of executives indicated a need for these skills to work alongside new technologies, yet they face a shortage of qualified workers.

Impact on Business Performance

The lack of necessary skills poses a significant risk to financial performance and the ability to leverage AI's value. More than a quarter of respondents expressed concerns that failing to acquire these skills could directly harm their financial results and indirectly hinder efforts to capitalize on AI advancements.

Strategies for Addressing the Skills Gap

Businesses have three primary options for acquiring the needed skills: retraining, hiring, and outsourcing. The survey shows that retraining is the most widely reported strategy for addressing skills mismatches. On average, companies planning to use retraining as a strategy intend to retrain about 32% of their workforce. The scale of retraining needs varies across industries, with the automotive sector expecting 36% of its workforce to require retraining, compared to 28% in the financial services sector.

In addition to retraining, executives also consider hiring and outsourcing to address skills mismatches. On average, companies plan to hire 23% and outsource 18% of their workforce to bridge the skills gap.

Significance and Value

Addressing the skills gap is crucial for businesses to remain competitive and innovative. By investing in retraining and upskilling, companies can better adapt to new technologies and changing market demands. This not only enhances productivity but also fosters a more versatile and resilient workforce.

Future Prospects and Growth Potential

As the demand for advanced skills continues to grow, businesses must proactively address the skills gap to sustain growth and innovation. Effective policies and robust training programs are essential to ensure that employees can acquire the necessary skills to thrive in the future labor market.

The McKinsey report underscores the urgent need for businesses to address the growing skills gap. By implementing comprehensive retraining programs and strategically hiring and outsourcing, companies can mitigate the risks associated with skills shortages and unlock new opportunities for growth and innovation.


skills gap, McKinsey report, corporate executives, skills mismatch, technology skills shortage, advanced IT skills, retraining workforce, hiring strategies, outsourcing solutions, business performance impact, AI value, workforce adaptability, innovation potential, training programs, future labor market

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