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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Challenges and Opportunities in Generative AI Product Development: Analysis of Nine Major Gaps

Over the past three years, although the ecosystem of generative AI has thrived, it remains in its nascent stages. As the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT, Claude, Llama, Gemini, and Kimi continue to advance, and more product teams discover novel use cases, the complexities of scaling these models to production-quality emerge swiftly. This article explores the new product opportunities and experiences opened by the GPT-3.5 model since the release of ChatGPT in November 2022 and summarizes nine key gaps between these use cases and actual product expectations.

1. Ensuring Stable and Predictable Output

While the non-deterministic outputs of LLMs endow models with "human-like" and "creative" traits, this can lead to issues when interacting with other systems. For example, when an AI is tasked with summarizing a large volume of emails and presenting them in a mobile-friendly design, inconsistencies in LLM outputs may cause UI malfunctions. Mainstream AI models now support function calls and tools recall, allowing developers to specify desired outputs, but a unified technical approach or standardized interface is still lacking.

2. Searching for Answers in Structured Data Sources

LLMs are primarily trained on text data, making them inherently challenged by structured tables and NoSQL information. The models struggle to understand implicit relationships between records or may misinterpret non-existent relationships. Currently, a common practice is to use LLMs to construct and issue traditional database queries and then return the results to the LLM for summarization.

3. Understanding High-Value Data Sets with Unusual Structures

LLMs perform poorly on data types for which they have not been explicitly trained, such as medical imaging (ultrasound, X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs) and engineering blueprints (CAD files). Despite the high value of these data types, they are challenging for LLMs to process. However, recent advancements in handling static images, videos, and audio provide hope.

4. Translation Between LLMs and Other Systems

Effectively guiding LLMs to interpret questions and perform specific tasks based on the nature of user queries remains a challenge. Developers need to write custom code to parse LLM responses and route them to the appropriate systems. This requires standardized, structured answers to facilitate service integration and routing.

5. Interaction Between LLMs and Local Information

Users often expect LLMs to access external information or systems, rather than just answering questions from pre-trained knowledge bases. Developers need to create custom services to relay external content to LLMs and send responses back to users. Additionally, accurate storage of LLM-generated information in user-specified locations is required.

6. Validating LLMs in Production Systems

Although LLM-generated text is often impressive, it often falls short in meeting professional production tasks across many industries. Enterprises need to design feedback mechanisms to continually improve LLM performance based on user feedback and compare LLM-generated content with other sources to verify accuracy and reliability.

7. Understanding and Managing the Impact of Generated Content

The content generated by LLMs can have unforeseen impacts on users and society, particularly when dealing with sensitive information or social influence. Companies need to design mechanisms to manage these impacts, such as content filtering, moderation, and risk assessment, to ensure appropriateness and compliance.

8. Reliability and Quality Assessment of Cross-Domain Outputs

Assessing the reliability and quality of generative AI in cross-domain outputs is a significant challenge. Factors such as domain adaptability, consistency and accuracy of output content, and contextual understanding need to be considered. Establishing mechanisms for user feedback and adjustments, and collecting user evaluations to refine models, is currently a viable approach.

9. Continuous Self-Iteration and Updating

We anticipate that generative AI technology will continue to self-iterate and update based on usage and feedback. This involves not only improvements in algorithms and technology but also integration of data processing, user feedback, and adaptation to business needs. The current mainstream approach is regular updates and optimizations of models, incorporating the latest algorithms and technologies to enhance performance.


The nine major gaps in generative AI product development present both challenges and opportunities. With ongoing technological advancements and the accumulation of practical experience, we believe these gaps will gradually close. Developers, researchers, and businesses need to collaborate, innovate continuously, and fully leverage the potential of generative AI to create smarter, more valuable products and services. Maintaining an open and adaptable attitude, while continuously learning and adapting to new technologies, will be key to success in this rapidly evolving field.


Generative AI product development challenges, LLM output reliability and quality, cross-domain AI performance evaluation, structured data search with LLMs, handling high-value data sets in AI, integrating LLMs with other systems, validating AI in production environments, managing impact of AI-generated content, continuous AI model iteration, latest advancements in generative AI technology

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