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Showing posts with label ChatGPT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ChatGPT. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

How Generative AI Tools Like GitHub Copilot Are Transforming Software Development and Reshaping the Labor Market

In today's era of technological change, generative AI is gradually demonstrating its potential to enhance the productivity of high-skilled knowledge workers, particularly in the field of software development. Research in this area has shown that generative AI tools, such as GitHub Copilot, not only assist developers with coding but also significantly increase their productivity. Through an analysis of experimental data covering 4,867 developers, researchers found that developers using Copilot completed 26.08% more tasks on average, with junior developers benefiting the most. This finding suggests that generative AI is reshaping the way software development is conducted and may have profound implications for the labor market.

The study involved 4,867 software developers from Microsoft, Accenture, and an anonymous Fortune 100 electronics manufacturing company. A subset of developers was randomly selected and given access to GitHub Copilot. Across three experimental results, developers using AI tools completed 26.08% more tasks (standard error: 10.3%). Junior developers showed a higher adoption rate and a more significant increase in productivity.

GitHub Copilot is an AI programming assistant co-developed by GitHub and OpenAI. During the study, large language models like ChatGPT rapidly gained popularity, which may have influenced the experimental outcomes.

The rigor of the experimental design and data analysis This study employed a large-scale randomized controlled trial (RCT), encompassing software developers from companies such as Microsoft and Accenture, providing strong external validity to the experimental process. By randomly assigning access to AI tools, the researchers effectively addressed endogeneity concerns. Additionally, the experiment tracked developers' output over time and consolidated multiple experimental results to ensure the reliability of the conclusions. Various output metrics (such as pull requests, commits, and build success rates) not only measured developers' productivity but also analyzed code quality, offering a comprehensive evaluation of the actual impact of generative AI tools.

Heterogeneous effects: Developers with different levels of experience benefit differently The study specifically pointed out that generative AI tools had varying impacts on developers with different levels of experience. Junior and less skilled developers gained more from GitHub Copilot, a phenomenon that supports the theory of skill-biased technological change. AI tools not only helped these developers complete tasks faster but also provided an opportunity to bridge the skill gap. This effect indicates that the widespread adoption of AI technology could redefine the skill requirements of companies in the future, thereby accelerating the diffusion of technology among employees with varying skill levels.

Impacts and implications of AI tools on the labor market The implications of this study for the labor market are significant. First, generative AI tools like GitHub Copilot not only enhance the productivity of high-skilled workers but may also have far-reaching effects on the supply and demand of labor. As AI technology continues to evolve, companies may need to pay more attention to managing and training employees with different skill levels when deploying AI tools. Additionally, policymakers should monitor the speed and impact of AI technology adoption to address the challenges of technological unemployment and skill retraining.

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Thursday, August 29, 2024

Best Practices for Multi-Task Collaboration: Efficient Switching Between ChatGPT, Claude AI Web, Kimi, and Qianwen

In the modern work environment, especially for businesses and individual productivity, using multiple AI assistants for multi-task collaboration has become an indispensable skill. This article aims to explain how to efficiently switch between ChatGPT, Claude AI Web, Kimi, and Qianwen to achieve optimal performance, thereby completing complex and non-automation workflow collaboration.

HaxiTAG Assistant: A Tool for Personalized Task Management

HaxiTAG Assistant is a chatbot plugin specifically designed for personalized tasks assistant, It's used in  web browser and be opensource . It supports customized tasks, local instruction saving, and private context data. With this plugin, users can efficiently manage information and knowledge, significantly enhancing productivity in data processing and content creation.

Installation and Usage Steps

Download and Installation

  1. Download:

    • Download the zip package from the HaxiTAG Assistant repository and extract it to a local directory.
  2. Installation:

    • Open Chrome browser settings > Extensions > Manage Extensions.
    • Enable "Developer mode" and click "Load unpacked" to select the HaxiTAG-Assistant directory.


HaxiTAG assistant
HaxitTAG Assistant

Once installed, users can use the instructions and context texts managed by HaxiTAG Assistant when accessing ChatGPT, Claude AI Web, Kimi, and Qianwen chatbots. This will greatly reduce the workload of repeatedly moving information back and forth, thus improving work efficiency.

Core Concepts

  1. Instruction: In the HaxiTAG team, instructions refer to the tasks and requirements expected from the chatbot. In the pre-trained model framework, they also refer to the fine-tuning of task or intent understanding.

  2. Context: Context refers to the framework description of the tasks expected from the chatbot, such as the writing style, reasoning logic, etc. Using HaxiTAG Assistant, these can be easily inserted into the dialogue box or copy-pasted, ensuring both flexibility and stability.

Usage Example

After installation, users can import default samples to experience the tool. The key is to customize instructions and context based on specific usage goals, enabling the chatbot to work more efficiently.


In multi-task collaboration, efficiently switching between ChatGPT, Claude AI Web, Kimi, and Qianwen, combined with using HaxiTAG Assistant, can significantly enhance work efficiency. This method not only reduces repetitive labor but also optimizes information and knowledge management, greatly improving individual productivity.

Through this introduction, we hope readers can better understand how to utilize these tools for efficient multi-task collaboration and fully leverage the potential of HaxiTAG Assistant in personalized task management.


Multi-task AI collaboration, efficient AI assistant switching, ChatGPT workflow optimization, Claude AI Web productivity, Kimi chatbot integration, Qianwen AI task management, HaxiTAG Assistant usage, personalized AI task management, AI-driven content creation, multi-AI assistant efficiency

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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Challenges and Opportunities in Generative AI Product Development: Analysis of Nine Major Gaps

Over the past three years, although the ecosystem of generative AI has thrived, it remains in its nascent stages. As the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT, Claude, Llama, Gemini, and Kimi continue to advance, and more product teams discover novel use cases, the complexities of scaling these models to production-quality emerge swiftly. This article explores the new product opportunities and experiences opened by the GPT-3.5 model since the release of ChatGPT in November 2022 and summarizes nine key gaps between these use cases and actual product expectations.

1. Ensuring Stable and Predictable Output

While the non-deterministic outputs of LLMs endow models with "human-like" and "creative" traits, this can lead to issues when interacting with other systems. For example, when an AI is tasked with summarizing a large volume of emails and presenting them in a mobile-friendly design, inconsistencies in LLM outputs may cause UI malfunctions. Mainstream AI models now support function calls and tools recall, allowing developers to specify desired outputs, but a unified technical approach or standardized interface is still lacking.

2. Searching for Answers in Structured Data Sources

LLMs are primarily trained on text data, making them inherently challenged by structured tables and NoSQL information. The models struggle to understand implicit relationships between records or may misinterpret non-existent relationships. Currently, a common practice is to use LLMs to construct and issue traditional database queries and then return the results to the LLM for summarization.

3. Understanding High-Value Data Sets with Unusual Structures

LLMs perform poorly on data types for which they have not been explicitly trained, such as medical imaging (ultrasound, X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs) and engineering blueprints (CAD files). Despite the high value of these data types, they are challenging for LLMs to process. However, recent advancements in handling static images, videos, and audio provide hope.

4. Translation Between LLMs and Other Systems

Effectively guiding LLMs to interpret questions and perform specific tasks based on the nature of user queries remains a challenge. Developers need to write custom code to parse LLM responses and route them to the appropriate systems. This requires standardized, structured answers to facilitate service integration and routing.

5. Interaction Between LLMs and Local Information

Users often expect LLMs to access external information or systems, rather than just answering questions from pre-trained knowledge bases. Developers need to create custom services to relay external content to LLMs and send responses back to users. Additionally, accurate storage of LLM-generated information in user-specified locations is required.

6. Validating LLMs in Production Systems

Although LLM-generated text is often impressive, it often falls short in meeting professional production tasks across many industries. Enterprises need to design feedback mechanisms to continually improve LLM performance based on user feedback and compare LLM-generated content with other sources to verify accuracy and reliability.

7. Understanding and Managing the Impact of Generated Content

The content generated by LLMs can have unforeseen impacts on users and society, particularly when dealing with sensitive information or social influence. Companies need to design mechanisms to manage these impacts, such as content filtering, moderation, and risk assessment, to ensure appropriateness and compliance.

8. Reliability and Quality Assessment of Cross-Domain Outputs

Assessing the reliability and quality of generative AI in cross-domain outputs is a significant challenge. Factors such as domain adaptability, consistency and accuracy of output content, and contextual understanding need to be considered. Establishing mechanisms for user feedback and adjustments, and collecting user evaluations to refine models, is currently a viable approach.

9. Continuous Self-Iteration and Updating

We anticipate that generative AI technology will continue to self-iterate and update based on usage and feedback. This involves not only improvements in algorithms and technology but also integration of data processing, user feedback, and adaptation to business needs. The current mainstream approach is regular updates and optimizations of models, incorporating the latest algorithms and technologies to enhance performance.


The nine major gaps in generative AI product development present both challenges and opportunities. With ongoing technological advancements and the accumulation of practical experience, we believe these gaps will gradually close. Developers, researchers, and businesses need to collaborate, innovate continuously, and fully leverage the potential of generative AI to create smarter, more valuable products and services. Maintaining an open and adaptable attitude, while continuously learning and adapting to new technologies, will be key to success in this rapidly evolving field.


Generative AI product development challenges, LLM output reliability and quality, cross-domain AI performance evaluation, structured data search with LLMs, handling high-value data sets in AI, integrating LLMs with other systems, validating AI in production environments, managing impact of AI-generated content, continuous AI model iteration, latest advancements in generative AI technology

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Thursday, August 22, 2024

How to Enhance Employee Experience and Business Efficiency with GenAI and Intelligent HR Assistants: A Comprehensive Guide

In modern enterprises, the introduction of intelligent HR assistants (iHRAs) has significantly transformed human resource management. These smart assistants provide employees with instant information and guidance through interactive Q&A, covering various aspects such as company policies, benefits, processes, knowledge, and communication. In this article, we explore the functions of intelligent HR assistants and their role in enhancing the efficiency of administrative and human resource tasks.

Functions of Intelligent HR Assistants

  1. Instant Information Query
    Intelligent HR assistants can instantly answer employee queries regarding company rules, benefits, processes, and more. For example, employees can ask about leave policies, salary structure, health benefits, etc., and the HR assistant will provide accurate answers based on a pre-programmed knowledge base. This immediate response not only improves employee efficiency but also reduces the workload of the HR department.

  2. Personalized Guidance
    By analyzing employee queries and behavior data, intelligent HR assistants can provide personalized guidance. For instance, new hires often have many questions about company processes and culture. HR assistants can offer customized information based on the employee's role and needs, helping them integrate more quickly into the company environment.

  3. Automation of Administrative Tasks
    Intelligent HR assistants can not only provide information but also perform simple administrative tasks such as scheduling meetings, sending reminders, processing leave requests, and more. These features greatly simplify daily administrative processes, allowing HR teams to focus on more strategic and important work.

  4. Continuously Updated Knowledge Base
    At the core of intelligent HR assistants is a continuously updated knowledge base that contains all relevant company policies, processes, and information. This knowledge base can be integrated with HR systems for real-time updates, ensuring that the information provided to employees is always current and accurate.

Advantages of Intelligent HR Assistants

  1. Enhancing Employee Experience
    By providing quick and accurate responses, intelligent HR assistants enhance the employee experience. Employees no longer need to wait for HR department replies; they can access the information they need at any time, which is extremely convenient in daily work.

  2. Improving Work Efficiency
    Intelligent HR assistants automate many repetitive tasks, freeing up time and energy for HR teams to focus on more strategic projects such as talent management and organizational development.

  3. Data-Driven Decision Support
    By collecting and analyzing employee interaction data, companies can gain deep insights into employee needs and concerns. This data can support decision-making, helping companies optimize HR policies and processes.

The introduction of intelligent HR assistants not only simplifies human resource management processes but also enhances the employee experience. With features like instant information queries, personalized guidance, and automation of administrative tasks, HR departments can operate more efficiently. As technology advances, intelligent HR assistants will become increasingly intelligent and comprehensive, providing even better services and support to businesses.


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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Artificial Intelligence Chatbots: A New Chapter in Human Interaction with,such as ChatGPT

The advent of ChatGPT by OpenAI in 2022 marked the beginning of a new era for AI chatbots. However, until recently, we knew little about how these bots were being used in the real world. An analysis by The Washington Post of nearly 200,000 English conversations from the WildChat research dataset offers a unique perspective on how people interact with these intelligent assistants.

Diverse Uses of Chatbots

Creative Writing and Role-Playing
Creative writing and role-playing are among the primary uses of ChatGPT, accounting for about one-fifth of all requests. People leverage ChatGPT’s language association skills for brainstorming, helping with business plans, creating book characters, and writing dialogues.

Sexual and Emotional Connections
Over 7% of conversations involve sexual topics, including requests for erotic role-play or sexy images. During the pandemic, some individuals even turned to ChatGPT for emotional connection and sexual conversations, despite expert warnings about potential risks.

Education and Homework Assistance
More than one-sixth of the conversations involve students seeking homework help. ChatGPT is often used to summarize historical texts and answer geography questions, though this practice is risky because the bot does not truly understand the content it provides.

Personal Issues and Privacy
About 5% of the conversations concern personal issues, such as flirting advice or dealing with a friend’s partner’s infidelity. People share a considerable amount of personal information in their chats with ChatGPT, raising concerns among privacy experts.

Computer Programming and Work
Approximately 7% of WildChat conversations involve requests for help with coding, debugging, or understanding computer code. ChatGPT excels at parsing and communicating information about computer code. Additionally, about 15% of the conversations are work-related, including writing speeches, automating e-commerce tasks, or drafting emails.

Image Generation and Social Interaction
Although WildChat’s bot cannot directly draw, it helps users communicate with AI image generators like Midjourney to create image prompts. These image generators have sparked controversy in the art world, yet they also demonstrate the growing confidence people have in these technologies.

The Washington Post’s analysis reveals the multifaceted roles that ChatGPT plays in human life—from creative writing assistant to emotional companion, to educational and work tools. As technology advances and people’s confidence in AI chatbots increases, we can expect these intelligent assistants to play even more significant roles in daily life. However, this also reminds us of the need for privacy protection and responsible use of technology. ChatGPT is not just a technological marvel; it is a reflection of the changing ways we interact socially and handle personal information.

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Thursday, August 15, 2024

Creating Killer Content: Leveraging AIGC Tools to Gain Influence on Social Media

In the realm of self-media, the quality of content determines its influence. In recent years, the rise of Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) tools has provided content creators with unprecedented opportunities. This article will explore how to optimize content creation using these tools to enhance influence on social media platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram.

1. Tool Selection and Content Creation Process Optimization

In content creation, using the right tools can streamline the process while ensuring high-quality output. Here are some highly recommended AIGC tools:

  • Script Writing: ChatGPT and Claude are excellent choices, capable of helping creators generate high-quality scripts. Claude is particularly suitable for writing naturally flowing dialogues and storylines.
  • Visual Design: DALL-E 2 can generate eye-catching thumbnails and graphics, enhancing visual appeal.
  • Video Production: enables quick production of professional-grade videos, lowering the production threshold.
  • Voiceover: ElevenLabs offers AI voiceover technology that makes the narration sound more human, or you can use it to clone your own voice, enhancing the personalization and professionalism of your videos.

2. Data Analysis and Content Strategy Optimization

Successful content creation not only relies on high-quality production but also on effective data analysis to optimize strategies. The following tools are recommended:

  • VidIQ: Used for keyword research and channel optimization, helping to identify trends and audience interests.
  • Mr. Beast's ViewStats: Analyzes video performance and provides insights into popular topics and audience behavior.

With these tools, creators can better understand traffic sources, audience behavior, and fan interaction, thereby continuously optimizing their content strategies.

3. Balancing Consistency and Quality

The key to successful content creation lies in the combination of consistency and quality. Here are some tips to enhance content quality:

  • Storytelling: Each video should have an engaging storyline that makes viewers stay and watch till the end.
  • Using Hooks: Set an attractive hook at the beginning of the video to capture the audience's attention.
  • Brand Reinforcement: Ensure each video reinforces the brand image and sparks the audience's interest, making them eager to watch more content.

4. Building a Sustainable Content Machine

The ultimate goal of high-quality content is to build an auto-growing channel. By continuously optimizing content and strategies, creators can convert viewers into subscribers and eventually turn subscribers into customers. Make sure each video has clear value and gives viewers a reason to subscribe, achieving long-term growth and brand success.

Leveraging AIGC tools to create killer content can significantly enhance social media influence. By carefully selecting tools, optimizing content strategies, and maintaining consistent high-quality output, creators can stand out in the competitive digital environment and build a strong content brand.


AIGC tools for social media, killer content creation, high-quality content strategy, optimizing content creation process, leveraging AI-generated content, YouTube video optimization, TikTok content growth, Instagram visual design, AI tools for video production, data-driven content strategy.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

How to Effectively Utilize Generative AI and Large-Scale Language Models from Scratch: A Practical Guide and Strategies

 As an expert in the field of GenAI and LLM applications, I am deeply aware that this technology is rapidly transforming our work and lifestyle. Large language models with billions of parameters provide us with an unprecedented intelligent application experience, and generative AI tools like ChatGPT and Claude bring this experience to the fingertips of individual users. Let's explore how to fully utilize these powerful AI assistants in real-world scenarios.

Starting from scratch, the process to effectively utilize GenAI can be summarized in the following key steps:

  1. Define Goals: Before launching AI, we need to take a moment to think about our actual needs. Are we aiming to complete an academic paper? Do we need creative inspiration for planning an event? Or are we seeking a solution to a technical problem? Clear goals will make our AI journey much more efficient.

  2. Precise Questioning: Although AI is powerful, it cannot read our minds. Learning how to ask a good question is the first essential lesson in using AI. Specific, clear, and context-rich questions make it easier for AI to understand our intentions and provide accurate answers.

  3. Gradual Progression: Rome wasn't built in a day. Similarly, complex tasks are not accomplished in one go. Break down the large goal into a series of smaller tasks, ask the AI step-by-step, and get feedback. This approach ensures that each step meets expectations and allows for timely adjustments.

  4. Iterative Optimization: Content generated by AI often needs multiple refinements to reach perfection. Do not be afraid to revise repeatedly; each iteration enhances the quality and accuracy of the content.

  5. Continuous Learning: In this era of rapidly evolving AI technology, only continuous learning and staying up-to-date will keep us competitive. Stay informed about the latest developments in AI, try new tools and techniques, and become a trendsetter in the AI age.

In practical application, we can also adopt the following methods to effectively break down problems:

  1. Problem Definition: Describe the problem in clear and concise language to ensure an accurate understanding. For instance, "How can I use AI to improve my English writing skills?"

  2. Needs Analysis: Identify the core elements of the problem. In the above example, we need to consider grammar, vocabulary, and style.

  3. Problem Decomposition: Break down the main problem into smaller, manageable parts. For example:

    • How to use AI to check for grammar errors in English?
    • How to expand my vocabulary using AI?
    • How can AI help me improve my writing style?
  4. Strategy Formulation: Design solutions for each sub-problem. For instance, use Grammarly for grammar checks and ChatGPT to generate lists of synonyms.

  5. Data Collection: Utilize various resources. Besides AI tools, consult authoritative English writing guides, academic papers, etc.

  6. Comprehensive Analysis: Integrate all collected information to form a comprehensive plan for improving English writing skills.

To evaluate the effectiveness of using GenAI, we can establish the following assessment criteria:

  1. Efficiency Improvement: Record the time required to complete the same task before and after using AI and calculate the percentage of efficiency improvement.

  2. Quality Enhancement: Compare the outcomes of tasks completed with AI assistance and those done manually to evaluate the degree of quality improvement.

  3. Innovation Level: Assess whether AI has brought new ideas or solutions.

  4. Learning Curve: Track personal progress in using AI, including improved questioning techniques and understanding of AI outputs.

  5. Practical Application: Count the successful applications of AI-assisted solutions in real work or life scenarios and their effects.

For instance, suppose you are a marketing professional tasked with writing a promotional copy for a new product. You could utilize AI in the following manner:

  1. Describe the product features to ChatGPT and ask it to generate several creative copy ideas.
  2. Select the best idea and request AI to elaborate on it in detail.
  3. Have AI optimize the copy from different target audience perspectives.
  4. Use AI to check the grammar and expression to ensure professionalism.
  5. Ask AI for A/B testing suggestions to optimize the copy’s effectiveness.

Through this process, you not only obtain high-quality promotional copy but also learn AI-assisted marketing techniques, enhancing your professional skills.

In summary, GenAI and LLM have opened up a world of possibilities. Through continuous practice and learning, each of us can become an explorer and beneficiary in this AI era. Remember, AI is a powerful tool, but its true value lies in how we ingeniously use it to enhance our capabilities and create greater value. Let's work together to forge a bright future empowered by AI!


Generative AI utilization, large-scale language models, effective AI strategies, ChatGPT applications, Claude AI tools, AI-powered content creation, practical AI guide, language model optimization, AI in professional tasks, leveraging generative AI

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Monday, August 12, 2024

A Comprehensive Analysis of Effective AI Prompting Techniques: Insights from a Recent Study

In a recent pioneering study conducted by Shubham Vatsal and Harsh Dubey at New York University’s Department of Computer Science, the researchers have explored the impact of various AI prompting techniques on the effectiveness of Large Language Models (LLMs) across diverse Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. This article provides a detailed overview of the study’s findings, shedding light on the significance, implications, and potential of these techniques in the context of Generative AI (GenAI) and its applications.

1. Chain-of-Thought (CoT) Prompting

The Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting technique has emerged as one of the most impactful methods for enhancing the performance of LLMs. CoT involves generating a sequence of intermediate steps or reasoning processes leading to the final answer, which significantly improves model accuracy. The study demonstrated that CoT leads to up to a 39% improvement in mathematical problem-solving tasks compared to basic prompting methods. This technique underscores the importance of structured reasoning and can be highly beneficial in applications requiring detailed explanation or logical deduction.

2. Program of Thoughts (PoT)

Program of Thoughts (PoT) is another notable technique, particularly effective in mathematical and logical reasoning. PoT builds upon the principles of CoT but introduces a programmatic approach to reasoning. The study revealed that PoT achieved an average performance gain of 12% over CoT across various datasets. This method’s structured and systematic approach offers enhanced performance in complex reasoning tasks, making it a valuable tool for applications in advanced problem-solving scenarios.

3. Self-Consistency

Self-Consistency involves sampling multiple reasoning paths to ensure the robustness and reliability of the model’s responses. This technique showed consistent improvements over CoT, with an average gain of 11% in mathematical problem-solving and 6% in multi-hop reasoning tasks. By leveraging multiple reasoning paths, Self-Consistency enhances the model’s ability to handle diverse and complex queries, contributing to more reliable and accurate outcomes.

4. Task-Specific Techniques

Certain prompting techniques demonstrated exceptional performance in specialized domains:

  • Chain-of-Table: This technique improved performance by approximately 3% on table-based question-answering tasks, showcasing its utility in data-centric queries involving structured information.

  • Three-Hop Reasoning (THOR): THOR significantly outperformed previous state-of-the-art models in emotion and sentiment understanding tasks. Its capability to handle multi-step reasoning enhances its effectiveness in understanding nuanced emotional contexts.

5. Combining Prompting Strategies

The study highlights that combining different prompting strategies can lead to superior results. For example, Contrastive Chain-of-Thought and Contrastive Self-Consistency demonstrated improvements of up to 20% over their non-contrastive counterparts in mathematical problem-solving tasks. This combination approach suggests that integrating various techniques can optimize model performance and adaptability across different NLP tasks.


The study by Vatsal and Dubey provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of various AI prompting techniques, highlighting the potential of Chain-of-Thought, Program of Thoughts, and Self-Consistency in enhancing LLM performance. The findings emphasize the importance of tailored and combinatorial prompting strategies, offering significant implications for the development of more accurate and reliable AI systems. As the field of Generative AI continues to evolve, understanding and implementing these techniques will be crucial for advancing AI capabilities and optimizing user experiences across diverse applications.


Chain-of-Thought prompting technique, Program of Thoughts AI method, Self-Consistency AI improvement, Generative AI performance enhancement, task-specific prompting techniques, AI mathematical problem-solving, Contrastive prompting strategies, Three-Hop Reasoning AI, effective LLM prompting methods, AI reasoning path sampling, GenAI-driven enterprise productivity, LLM and GenAI applications

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Thursday, August 8, 2024

Efficiently Creating Structured Content with ChatGPT Voice Prompts

In today's fast-paced digital world, utilizing advanced technological methods to improve content creation efficiency has become crucial. ChatGPT's voice prompt feature offers us a convenient way to convert unstructured voice notes into structured content, allowing for quick and intuitive content creation on mobile devices or away from a computer. This article will detail how to efficiently create structured content using ChatGPT voice prompts and demonstrate its applications through examples.

Converting Unstructured Voice Notes to Structured Content

ChatGPT's voice prompt feature can convert spoken content into text and further structure it for easy publishing and sharing. The specific steps are as follows:

  1. Creating Twitter/X Threads

    • Voice Creation: Use ChatGPT's voice prompt feature to dictate the content of the tweets you want to publish. The voice recognition system will convert the spoken content into text and structure it using natural language processing technology.
    • Editing Tweets: After the initial content generation, you can continue to modify and edit it using voice commands to ensure that each tweet is accurate, concise, and meets publishing requirements.
  2. Creating Blog Posts

    • Voice Generation: Dictate the complete content of a blog post using ChatGPT, which will convert it into text and organize it according to blog structure requirements, including titles, paragraphs, and subheadings.
    • Content Refinement: Voice commands can be used to adjust the content, add or delete paragraphs, ensuring logical coherence and fluent language.
  3. Publishing LinkedIn Posts

    • Voice Dictation: For the professional social platform LinkedIn, use the voice prompt feature to create attractive post content. Dictate professional insights, project results, or industry news to quickly generate posts.
    • Multiple Edits: Use voice commands to edit multiple times until the post content reaches the desired effect.

Advantages of ChatGPT Voice Prompts

  1. Efficiency and Speed: Voice input is faster than traditional keyboard input, especially suitable for scenarios requiring quick responses, such as meeting notes and instant reports.
  2. Ease of Use: The voice prompt feature is simple to use, with no complex operational procedures, allowing users to express their ideas naturally and fluently.
  3. Productivity Enhancement: It reduces the time spent on typing and formatting, allowing more focus on content creation and quality improvement.

Technical Research and Development

ChatGPT's voice prompt feature relies on advanced voice recognition technology and natural language processing algorithms. Voice recognition technology efficiently and accurately converts voice signals into text, while natural language processing algorithms are responsible for semantic understanding and structuring the generated text. The continuous progress in these technologies makes the voice prompt feature increasingly intelligent and practical.

Application Scenarios

  1. Social Media Management: Quickly generate and publish social media content through voice commands, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of social media marketing.
  2. Content Creation: Suitable for various content creators, including bloggers, writers, and journalists, by generating initial drafts through voice, reducing typing time, and improving creation efficiency.
  3. Professional Networking: On professional platforms like LinkedIn, create high-quality professional posts using voice, showcasing a professional image and increasing workplace exposure.

Business and Technology Growth

With the continuous advancement of voice recognition and natural language processing technologies, the application scope and effectiveness of ChatGPT's voice prompt feature will further expand. Enterprises can utilize this technology to enhance internal communication efficiency, optimize content creation processes, and gain a competitive edge in the market. Additionally, with the increasing demand for efficient content creation, the potential for voice prompt features in both personal and commercial applications is significant.


ChatGPT's voice prompt feature provides an efficient and intuitive method for content creation by converting unstructured voice notes into structured content, significantly enhancing content creation efficiency and quality. Whether for social media management, blog post creation, or professional platform content publishing, the voice prompt feature demonstrates its powerful application value. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect more innovation and possibilities from this feature in the future.


ChatGPT voice prompts, structured content creation, efficient content creation, unstructured voice notes, voice recognition technology, natural language processing, social media content generation, professional networking posts, content creation efficiency, business technology growth

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Exploring the Application of LLM and GenAI in Recruitment at WAIC 2024

During the World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC), held from July 4 to 7, 2024, at the Shanghai Expo Center, numerous AI companies showcased innovative applications based on large models. Among them, the AI Interviewer from Liepin garnered significant attention. This article will delve into the practical application of this technology in recruitment and its potential value.

1. Core Value of the AI Interviewer

Liepin's AI Interviewer aims to enhance interview efficiency for enterprises, particularly in the first round of interviews. Traditional recruitment processes are often time-consuming and labor-intensive, whereas the AI Interviewer automates interactions between job seekers and an AI digital persona, saving time and reducing labor costs. Specifically, the system automatically generates interview questions based on the job description (JD) provided by the company and intelligently scores candidates' responses.

2. Technical Architecture and Functionality Analysis

The AI Interviewer from Liepin consists of large and small models:

  • Large Model: Responsible for generating interview questions and facilitating real-time interactions. This component is trained on extensive data to accurately understand job requirements and formulate relevant questions.

  • Small Model: Primarily used for scoring, trained on proprietary data accumulated by Liepin to ensure accuracy and fairness in assessments. Additionally, the system employs Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Text-to-Speech (TTS) technologies to create a smoother and more natural interview process.

3. Economic Benefits and Market Potential

The AI Interviewer is priced at 20 yuan per interview. Considering that a typical first-round interview involves around 20 candidates, the overall cost amounts to approximately 400 yuan. Compared to traditional in-person interviews, this system not only allows companies to save costs but also significantly enhances interview efficiency. The introduction of this system reduces human resource investments and accelerates the screening process, increasing the success rate of recruitment.

4. Industry Impact and Future Outlook

As companies increasingly focus on the efficiency and quality of recruitment, the AI Interviewer is poised to become a new standard in the industry. This model could inspire other recruitment platforms, driving the entire sector towards greater automation. In the future, as LLM and GenAI technologies continue to advance, recruitment processes will become more intelligent and personalized, providing better experiences for both enterprises and job seekers.

In summary, Liepin's AI Interviewer demonstrates the vast potential of LLM and GenAI in the recruitment field. By enhancing interview efficiency and reducing costs, this technology will drive transformation in the recruitment industry. As the demand for intelligent recruitment solutions continues to grow, more companies are expected to explore AI applications in recruitment, further promoting the overall development of the industry.


AI Interviewer in recruitment, LLM applications in hiring, GenAI for interview automation, AI-driven recruitment solutions, efficiency in first-round interviews, cost-effective hiring technologies, automated candidate screening, speech recognition in interviews, digital persona in recruitment, future of AI in HR.

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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Leveraging Generative AI to Boost Work Efficiency and Creativity

In the modern workplace, the application of Generative AI has rapidly become a crucial tool for enhancing work efficiency and creativity. By utilizing Generative AIs such as ChatGPT, Claude, or Gemini, we can more effectively gather the inspiration needed for our work, break through mental barriers, and optimize our writing and editing processes, thereby achieving greater results with less effort. Here are some practical methods and examples to help you better leverage Generative AI to improve your work performance.

Generative AI Aiding in Inspiration Collection and Expansion

When we need to gather inspiration in the workplace, Generative AI can provide a variety of creative ideas through conversation, helping us quickly filter out promising concepts. For example, if an author is experiencing writer’s block while creating a business management book, they can use ChatGPT to ask questions like, “Suppose the protagonist, Amy, is a product manager in the consumer finance industry, and she needs to develop a new financial product for the family market. Given the global developments, what might be the first challenge she faces in the Asian family finance market?” Such dialogues can offer innovative ideas from different perspectives, helping the author overcome creative blocks.

Optimizing the Writing and Editing Process

Generative AI can provide more than just inspiration; it can also assist in the writing and editing process. For instance, you can post the initial draft of a press release or product copy on ChatGPT’s interface and request modifications or enhancements for specific sections. This not only improves the professionalism and fluency of the article but also saves a significant amount of time.

For example, a blogger who has written a technical article can ask ChatGPT, Gemini, or Claude to review the article and provide specific suggestions, such as adding more examples or adjusting the tone and wording to resonate better with readers.

Market Research and Competitor Analysis

Generative AI is also a valuable tool for those needing to conduct market research. We can consult ChatGPT and similar AI tools about market trends, competitor analysis, and consumer needs, then use the generated information to develop strategies that better meet market demands.

For instance, a small and medium-sized enterprise in Hsinchu is planning to launch a new consumer information product but struggles to gauge market reactions. In this case, the company’s product manager, Peter, can use Generative AI to obtain market intelligence and perform competitor analysis, helping to formulate a more precise market strategy.

Rapid Content Generation

Generative AI excels in quickly generating content. Many people have started using ChatGPT to swiftly create articles, reports, or social media posts. With just minor adjustments and personalization, these generated contents can meet specific needs.

For example, in an AI copywriting course I conducted, a friend who is a social media manager needed to create a large number of posts in a short time to promote a new product. I suggested using ChatGPT to generate initial content, then adjusting it according to the company’s brand style. This approach indeed saved the company a considerable amount of time and effort.

Creating an Inspiration Database

In addition to collecting immediate inspiration, we can also create our own inspiration database. By saving the excellent ideas and concepts generated by Generative AI into commonly used note-taking software (such as Notion, Evernote, or Capacities), we can build an inspiration database. Regularly reviewing and organizing this database allows us to retrieve inspiration as needed, further enhancing our work efficiency.

For example, those who enjoy literary creation can record the good ideas generated from each conversation with ChatGPT, forming an inspiration database. When facing writer’s block, they can refer to these inspirations to gain new creative momentum.

By effectively using Generative AI to gather, organize, and filter information, and then synthesizing and summarizing it to provide actionable insights, different professional roles can significantly improve their work efficiency. This approach is not only a highly efficient work method but also an innovative mindset that helps us stand out in the competitive job market.


Generative AI for workplace efficiency, boosting creativity with AI, AI-driven inspiration gathering, using ChatGPT for ideas, AI in writing and editing, market research with AI, competitor analysis with AI tools, rapid content creation with AI, building an inspiration database, enhancing work performance with Generative AI.

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Monday, July 29, 2024

Mastering the Risks of Generative AI in Private Life: Privacy, Sensitive Data, and Control Strategies

With the widespread use of generative AI tools such as ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Microsoft Copilot, and Apple Intelligence, they play an important role in both personal and commercial applications, yet they also pose significant privacy risks. Consumers often overlook how their data is used and retained, and the differences in privacy policies among various AI tools. This article explores methods for protecting personal privacy, including asking about the privacy issues of AI tools, avoiding inputting sensitive data into large language models, utilizing opt-out options provided by OpenAI and Google, and carefully considering whether to participate in data-sharing programs like Microsoft Copilot.

Privacy Risks of Generative AI

The rapid development of generative AI tools has brought many conveniences to people's lives and work. However, along with these technological advances, issues of privacy and data security have become increasingly prominent. Many users often overlook how their data is used and stored when using these tools.

  1. Data Usage and Retention: Different AI tools have significant differences in how they use and retain data. For example, some tools may use user data for further model training, while others may promise not to retain user data. Understanding these differences is crucial for protecting personal privacy.

  2. Differences in Privacy Policies: Each AI tool has its unique privacy policy, and users should carefully read and understand these policies before using them. Clarifying these policies can help users make more informed choices, thus better protecting their data privacy.

Key Strategies for Protecting Privacy

To better protect personal privacy, users can adopt the following strategies:

  1. Proactively Inquire About Privacy Protection Measures: Users should proactively ask about the privacy protection measures of AI tools, including how data is used, data-sharing options, data retention periods, the possibility of data deletion, and the ease of opting out. A privacy-conscious tool will clearly inform users about these aspects.

  2. Avoid Inputting Sensitive Data: It is unwise to input sensitive data into large language models because once data enters the model, it may be used for training. Even if it is deleted later, its impact cannot be entirely eliminated. Both businesses and individuals should avoid processing non-public or sensitive information in AI models.

  3. Utilize Opt-Out Options: Companies such as OpenAI and Google provide opt-out options, allowing users to choose not to participate in model training. For instance, ChatGPT users can disable the data-sharing feature, while Gemini users can set data retention periods.

  4. Carefully Choose Data-Sharing Programs: Microsoft Copilot, integrated into Office applications, provides assistance with data analysis and creative inspiration. Although it does not share data by default, users can opt into data sharing to enhance functionality, but this also means relinquishing some degree of data control.

Privacy Awareness in Daily Work

Besides the aforementioned strategies, users should maintain a high level of privacy protection awareness in their daily work:

  1. Regularly Check Privacy Settings: Regularly check and update the privacy settings of AI tools to ensure they meet personal privacy protection needs.

  2. Stay Informed About the Latest Privacy Protection Technologies: As technology evolves, new privacy protection technologies and tools continuously emerge. Users should stay informed and updated, applying these new technologies promptly to protect their privacy.

  3. Training and Education: Companies should strengthen employees' privacy protection awareness training, ensuring that every employee understands and follows the company's privacy protection policies and best practices.

With the widespread application of generative AI tools, privacy protection has become an issue that users and businesses must take seriously. By understanding the privacy policies of AI tools, avoiding inputting sensitive data, utilizing opt-out options, and maintaining high privacy awareness, users can better protect their personal information. In the future, with the advancement of technology and the improvement of regulations, we expect to see a safer and more transparent AI tool environment.


Generative AI privacy risks, Protecting personal data in AI, Sensitive data in AI models, AI tools privacy policies, Generative AI data usage, Opt-out options for AI tools, Microsoft Copilot data sharing, Privacy-conscious AI usage, AI data retention policies, Training employees on AI privacy.

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Sunday, July 21, 2024

Crafting a 30-Minute GTM Strategy Using ChatGPT/Claude AI for Creative Inspiration

In today's fiercely competitive market landscape, developing an effective Go-to-Market (GTM) strategy is crucial for the success of technology and software products. However, many businesses often find themselves grappling with "blank page syndrome" when faced with the task of creating a GTM strategy, struggling to find suitable starting points and creative ideas. This article introduces a simple, rapid method for developing a preliminary GTM strategy draft within 30 minutes, leveraging creative inspiration provided by ChatGPT and Claude AI, combined with industry best practices.

1, Discover [Research + Positioning]

Market Research

When exploring market demands and positioning products, the first step is to generate market demand reports using ChatGPT or Claude AI. These reports can provide detailed analyses of target market needs and pain points, revealing areas that remain insufficiently addressed. Additionally, AI tools can generate competitor analysis reports, offering insights into major market competitors, their strengths and weaknesses, and their market performance.

Building on this foundation, AI tools can also help identify market trends, generating market trend reports that provide understanding of current market dynamics and future opportunities. The key at this stage is to ensure the reliability of data sources and remain sensitive to market dynamics. To achieve this, we can use multiple data sources for cross-verification and regularly update research data to maintain sensitivity to market changes.

Product Positioning

Next, it's essential to determine how our product addresses market needs and pain points. Through AI tools, we can generate detailed reports on product-market fit, analyzing how our product stands out. AI tools can also help us clearly define our product's Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and compare it with competitors, thereby finding our product's unique position in the market.

Moreover, AI-generated customer segmentation reports can help us clearly identify the characteristics and needs of our target customer groups. The accuracy of product positioning is crucial, so in this process, we need to validate our assumptions through market research and customer feedback, and flexibly adjust our strategy based on market response.

2, Define [Messaging]


After clarifying market and product positioning, the next step is to define the messaging strategy. Through AI tools, we can distill core messages and value propositions, ensuring these messages are concise and powerful. Simultaneously, AI tools can help us generate a one-sentence product value statement, ensuring the message reaches the heart of the target customers.

To capture the attention of target customers, AI tools can also generate a series of messaging materials. These materials should not only be concise but also sufficiently attractive to spark interest and resonance among target customers. In this process, we can test the effectiveness of messaging through customer feedback and regularly optimize content based on market response and customer needs.

Creating a Messaging Framework

Building on the messaging strategy, we need to construct a complete messaging framework. By generating brand stories through AI, we can showcase the company's mission and values, allowing target customers to feel our sincerity and uniqueness. At the same time, AI tools can help us analyze the most suitable channels for message delivery, such as social media and email, ensuring our messages are effectively conveyed to target customers.

To enhance the credibility of our messages, we can use AI to generate supporting materials such as case studies and customer testimonials. These auxiliary materials can not only enrich our messaging content but also strengthen target customers' trust in us. In this process, we need to ensure the consistency of our brand story and choose the channels most frequently used by target customers for message delivery.

3, Distribute [Market Entry]

Developing a Market Entry Plan

In the process of formulating a market entry strategy, AI tools can help us generate detailed market entry plans covering aspects such as target markets and entry methods. Through detailed timeline planning, we can ensure the market entry strategy is executed according to plan, avoiding situations that are either too tight or too loose.

Resource allocation is also a crucial part of developing a market entry plan. Through AI analysis, we can reasonably allocate the resources needed to execute the market entry plan, ensuring smooth progress at every stage. In this process, we need to ensure the feasibility of the market entry strategy, establish risk warning mechanisms, and promptly identify and address potential risks.

Execution and Optimization

During the execution of the market entry plan, we need to implement each step according to the plan, ensuring no corners are cut. By regularly evaluating the effectiveness of the market entry strategy through AI tools, we can promptly identify issues and make improvements. When assessing the effectiveness of market entry, we need to maintain objectivity and avoid subjective biases.

Based on evaluation results and market feedback, we can continuously optimize the market entry strategy to ensure it always aligns with market demands and company goals. In this process, establish clear evaluation criteria to ensure the objectivity and fairness of the evaluation process, and adjust the market entry strategy in a timely manner according to market changes.

4, Conclusion

Through the creative inspiration provided by ChatGPT and Claude AI, combined with industry best practices, we can quickly develop an effective GTM strategy draft in a short time. The method introduced in this article not only helps companies avoid "blank page syndrome" but also enables them to quickly identify market needs, define product value, and develop feasible market entry plans through structured steps and practical tips. We hope that the methods and suggestions in this article will provide valuable inspiration and support for your GTM strategy formulation.

This AI-prompted GTM strategy development method not only simplifies complex processes but also ensures the feasibility and effectiveness of the strategy through industry-validated best practices. Whether for B2B or B2C markets, this method can be used to quickly develop competitive market entry strategies, enhancing a company's performance and competitiveness in the market.


AI market research tools, AI in customer behavior analysis, Predictive analytics in market research, AI-driven market insights, Cost-saving AI for businesses, Competitive advantage with AI, AI for strategic decision-making, Real-time data analysis AI, AI-powered customer understanding, Risk management with AI

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